not being a roided up walking billboard for neutrogena acne medication has been working well.
looks like you've done well in the retard strength category. impressive gains.
i literally posted about you yesterday... holy blast from the past hi chubs.
still have a level 1 shaman on hyjal w/ 8k HKs from when you were grinding on f2p accounts lol
I'm well aware. I put in (minimum) 200k on battle.nets that are not tied to my main account. And that's a conservative estimate.
Good luck if you try and clean up those last 10k tho!
Edit: aye, I quit for 6ish years until coming back in Nov 2018.
Lol I'm in the same boat. Just shy of 4k kills for me. I'll never end up getting it at this point, oh well.
Wish I had all the HKs I earned on different accounts. Probably could have bloodthirsty twice over with those included.