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  1. Beachcomber

    How come more folks have not played on Warmane?

    This is a Wrath private server that has been around 5+ years so it's very stable and dependable. Depending on the server you make toons on, you can earn points by logging in to earn gear. You can buy an instant 80 if you want. The cities are jam packed with people. It's bustling with activity...
  2. Beachcomber

    Could've done this better

    The original F2P 20 was great fun. This was right around when they first introduced phasing and the population was plummeting. You could make a character on a dead server, farm out AGM with limited competition, get BOA from Darkmoon Faire tickets, win the fishing tournament multiple times on...
  3. Beachcomber

    Heirlooms replace most BIS in WOTLK?

    I started getting some heirlooms on Warmane via Argent Tournament. Looks like that was added patch 3.3.0, so maybe not available at Wratch Classic launch? Dread Pirate Ring is also available if you win the fishing tourney, at 39 it provides +6 stam, +10 crit, and +5 hit.
  4. Beachcomber

    Could've done this better

    This is a good point, how many people were serious twinkers in peak Wrath? At one point way back when I speculated 3000 but it may be more like 300 unique people. Tough to say. This website membership might be a good indicator. It does seem (personal opinion) like the more effort required to...
  5. Beachcomber

    Gear to look out for in moving from TBC to WotLK?

    Warmane is on 3.3.5. I do see a satchel available as a reward for random dungeons. I also have various "Vigorous Spaulders of the..." in the bags of this 39 druid. I also recall a prepatch boss in SM which dropped something (Scorn). Trying not to get confused with other boss spawn drops.
  6. Beachcomber

    Gear to look out for in moving from TBC to WotLK?

    In days of old you'd queue up by yourself or with people of similar level and get satchel gear appropriate to level.
  7. Beachcomber

    Gear to look out for in moving from TBC to WotLK?

    This can of course pertain 19s 29s 39s 49s etc. but I'm most interested in 39s and 29s. I'm curious about gear to be on the lookout for on the Burning Crusade Classic servers as we move to Wrath. This would include stuff that had its drop rate lowered, or grandfathered, etc. etc. I'm also...
  8. Beachcomber

    Exp-off and Exp-on Players will not be separated in Wrath Classic BGs

    Quite honestly, this is like saying you don't like your foot and you'd rather cut it off. Having newbies cycle through is a vital way to grow the population. It's the only reason I ever became involved. Some people whooped my pathetic leveler and I inspected them to find out what was missing...
  9. Beachcomber

    Any OG bank stuff that may be valuable?

    Sorry, didn't realize these items with same name now somehow have different item levels. It is ilvl 19. The Khoo's Point is ilvl 24. Jaina's Firestarter is ilvl 23, +16 int, +4 stam, +3 vers
  10. Beachcomber

    Any OG bank stuff that may be valuable?

    I have: 3x Icemail Jerkin 2x Staff of Jordan 1x Freezing Band 1x 2h Superior Impact formula various engineering formulas...flash bomb, arcane bomb, seaforiums etc. I thought I had every rare formula stored up as I ran every low level dungeon a multitude of times 4x Dazzling Longswords 10+ Green...
  11. Beachcomber

    Season 4 twentified patch notes

    PvP has always been an afterthought, but when they are dealing with 20% and 30% issues, that drifts into "no idea what they are doing" territory. Oh well onto the next expansion where it all breaks again.
  12. Beachcomber

    Any OG bank stuff that may be valuable?

    Time to fire up Altoholic. Thanks for the advice
  13. Beachcomber

    Any OG bank stuff that may be valuable?

    Haven't played in forever. Have banks and banks full of things like Underworld Bands, which I am presuming are not great anymore. It seems 20s will get their best gear from dungeon running, thus negating all those stored items from ages past. Is there *anything* from back in the day that might...
  14. Beachcomber

    What bracket/group is most active right now?

    Thanks Chops, I did see that and it seems quite the read indeed.
  15. Beachcomber

    What bracket/group is most active right now?

    Regarding 20s, there was a span of time when I played level capped 20s on free accounts, multiple fishing tournament wins and BOAs all of that kind of stuff, and had a ton on both Horde and Alliance. Is this still a thing or do you need to run modern dungeons on paid accounts to get some gear...
  16. Beachcomber

    What bracket/group is most active right now?

    Not sure if I will resume playing, just logging in to see if old friends are milling about or if any brackets are active. I have not played in a few years now so some of the new stuff seems entirely alien lol I have some toons on Warmane, as well as some old school L20 in addition to my fleet...
  17. Beachcomber

    Sought after twink items

    Would you mind including a couple of screenshots of your TSM? I am curious to see how complex it is.
  18. Beachcomber

    <orc> (A) will xf from Arugal Oceanic to Whitemane US for pops, we ask you to join us!

    Look into Battleping or similar service, improves latency by using SSH tunneling which has higher priority over other Internet traffic. I have never used it but it seems to be the only way to improve latency from distant lands.
  19. Beachcomber

    Just sharing some mail I recieved this morning from Blizzard Customer Support

    Trust me when I say that back in the day some of the more obvious exploits were reported and Blizzard only did something about it rarely, if ever. One had no choice but to learn the jumps, or put someone in position to regrab when the efc was in an unreachable spot just to bait him down. Now...
  20. Beachcomber

    Help 29 Mage alliance twink?

    You won't be able to get Hotshot Pilot Gloves, they are extremely rare. Plains Ring is also expensive unless you get lucky on AH. Berylline Pads is a quest right at L29 where you want someone to run you through RFK...with as little exp as possible (as in quest objectives only) to leave yourself...