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  1. Behindew

    found this in one of my alts bags, no idea if its good

    yeh, good idea, maybe ill do that. its probably total booty, but worth ashot,
  2. Behindew

    found this in one of my alts bags, no idea if its good

    nah havent used it yet. don't know if i wanna tbh. if its fricken amazing then i cant sell it anymore. plus on this acc i got a ton of gametime since its my main acc. wont be twinking on it anytime soon so not really worth to put on a 20 right now
  3. Behindew

    found this in one of my alts bags, no idea if its good

    havent played this alt in years, just doing some cleaning out of the thousands of alts i have, and found this trinket. just happen to be 20 and not equipped. maybe its total trash, maybe its not, anyone know?
  4. Behindew

    looking for advice on new PC that runs WOW well

    thanks for all the info everyone.
  5. Behindew

    looking for advice on new PC that runs WOW well

    title sums it up. budget is between 1500-1800 was going to build my own, but apparently, parts are hard to find, so I'm going with a pre-build. the computer I have now is 10 years old, graphics card phase in and out every 10 minutes. runs 25 fps wow on lowest settings on a good day. can hardly...
  6. Behindew

    ok so this actually happened

    Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.
  7. Behindew

    F2P & Vet Armory List [SHADOWLANDS]

    vet rogue - outlaw
  8. Behindew

    paying someone for gear help

    havent played this game in months, seems like a decent amount of gearing options atm. i have no idea where to start, and don't care enough to search. i dont have the time to invest like i used to, so i am looking to pay ingame services to play. not enough time to gear up on my own, looking to...
  9. Behindew

    a question on Gold Making on Brutosaur in SL

    cant merge unless acc is under same name that you xfer it off of. and I am not 100 percent sure whats bound on a bnet and what is not bound. i no a good way to make cash is xffering off a toon that has glorious/ demonic tyranny in his or her bag and transferring too different accounts so the...
  10. Behindew

    General Party Sync Battlegrounds Consumables and Usables Compendium

    Ohti, add trackers vitality buff and the pendant of agate shield. They both stack with the fort, a greater flask of the horizon, and all war scroll buffs, also stacks with any well-fed buff and draught of ten lands for mega stam increase. a lvl 19 blood dk i ran with had 2700 hp.
  11. Behindew

    General Party Sync Battlegrounds Consumables and Usables Compendium

    Update the scrolls, there are others you can use if you don't want stamina. warscroll- battleshout and warscroll- intellect.
  12. Behindew

    19 twink spell power rogue. Check this damage out...

    Gotcha, haven't done much research but it was quite interesting...seems like a lot of theory crafting went on here, never seen anything like it
  13. Behindew

    19 twink spell power rogue. Check this damage out...

    I have never seen this before. I don't even know if it is viable, but i thought i would share. Also it appears this guy has a helm that is better than the lucky fishing hat that can be farmed before a particular patch hits....
  14. Behindew

    US Selling Foamspittle Staff level 29 Epic version.

    went from 84 to 184 since I last bumped it. worth a shot, eh?
  15. Behindew

    US Selling Foamspittle Staff level 29 Epic version.

    battle tag is aSuhDude#11645 Bump. bump