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  1. mczizegg

    Did they nerfed the chance for quests in IE's? 32x IE in a row without a quest drop

    Did they nerfed the chance for quests in IE's? 32x IE in a row without a quest drop
  2. mczizegg

    EU+US Waycrest-Mano" solo / 11sec Boss kill / 100 Island Expeditions

    Feel free to check it out - In that video I used the helmet - could sit easily in a bladestorm from an ilvl 400 warrior Traits will reduce by 50% in duels aswell :/
  3. mczizegg

    EU+US Waycrest-Mano" solo / 11sec Boss kill / 100 Island Expeditions

    ilvl 300 helmet 1077 in pve around 530 in PvP :)
  4. mczizegg

    EU+US Waycrest-Mano" solo / 11sec Boss kill / 100 Island Expeditions

    I quested both sides (Horde and Alliance) and there was only one ilvl 295 helmet which had the trait + ilvl 280 Shoulders from endboss of The Underrot. so long story short. no^^
  5. mczizegg

    EU+US Waycrest-Mano" solo / 11sec Boss kill / 100 Island Expeditions

    36K DPS Vid - Lord Stormsong lasts 11 secs :D
  6. mczizegg

    EU+US Waycrest-Mano" solo / 11sec Boss kill / 100 Island Expeditions

    Hi guys, just done a few runs and this was my fastest one. Wanted to share it with you. If you want to push necklace add me "Nystrozium#2694"
  7. mczizegg

    EU+US Mage or lock for 110/111

    Nice Gear, I was curious to level up my mage and gear him up, shouldnt frost be insane for Masspulls / AoE?
  8. mczizegg

    EU+US Mage or lock for 110/111

    Can you link armory please?
  9. mczizegg

    Hey im looking for an 110/111 alliance community on EU - Shaman ilvl 271 (Neck lvl 40)

    Hey im looking for an 110/111 alliance community on EU - Shaman ilvl 271 (Neck lvl 40)
  10. mczizegg

    EU+US Speedruns DH compared to other classes

    Thanks for the info! Can you may try other dungeons aswell when you have time?
  11. mczizegg

    EU+US Speedruns DH compared to other classes

    Of course I know Dhs finish them in under 5min. :) But thats only Freehold. I want to know some times at other dungeon by different classes to be able to compare them.
  12. mczizegg

    EU+US Speedruns DH compared to other classes

    Hi guys, im just curious how fast other classes are able to solo BfA Dungeon compared to Deamonunter. I love to play my 110 Shaman and will try to solo every dungeon as fast as possible. Im currently trying "The Motherlode" and my fastest try was 8:49min without radinax gem or gunshoes. I...
  13. mczizegg

    EU+US Level 110 or Shaman too strong? Owning 120s

    Hi guys, I am back on my Level 110 Shaman and looking for a community. Maybe 110 is still a thing after the patch. I recorded some footage while I was duelling some 120s infront of Orgrimmar. Is elemental/Enhancer overpowered or did they change something?
  14. mczizegg

    New to twinking 99 Rogue

    Yep, it was nice since most of the players focused on 101 (me included) but 99 was pretty decent in PvE aswell :D
  15. mczizegg

    New to twinking 99 Rogue

    @Warglave I already have 4 Level 99 Twinks - my warrior was BiS geared in Legion now hes lacking a bit i guessøth (dont mind the weapons i usually play furor) (have 2 legion Boes trinkets in my bag but sadly they suck now) If anyone...
  16. mczizegg

    New to twinking 99 Rogue

    Im planing myself to level up a rogue to 99, are they any good?
  17. mczizegg

    US 101 Rogue Pieces on Stormrage

    the good old days </3 still have them equipped on my 110s shaman and wont switch them as elemental xD
  18. mczizegg

    EU+US 99 DH still possible?

    I have a 99 Dh , not the best gear but they are really garbage. In Legion they were ok in PvE cause they had a lot of movementspeed. Now they suck in PvP and PvE and as @Warglave mentioned it was able to write a ticket...
  19. mczizegg

    Improve my bommie

    They nerfed stats from goggles back in Legion... So you need some luck that someone sells the old version of these otherwise no chance to get them my monk with the "old" goggles