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  1. JeeroyLenkins

    single drop source boes

    This rolled epic for me after looting 5 greens and 1 blue version.
  2. JeeroyLenkins

    Dungeon ring item level increasing, stats stay the same

    Dungeon ring item level increasing, stats stay the same
  3. JeeroyLenkins

    EU+US Highest base stats at 19

    Best agility wep enchant at 19 is +5
  4. JeeroyLenkins

    Why no arenas?

    Yeah arena queues can be pretty trash, especially depending on time of day... Message me (Jeroylenkins#11418) or Nightstars (nightstars#1679) We are always queued for arena and would definitely be down for arena wargames.
  5. JeeroyLenkins

    Level 19 WW monk

    Lol...of course WW isn't complete ass if you're using shit like frag belt and can't list those as things that make a particular spec viable.
  6. JeeroyLenkins

    US The War for Nagrand! February 2nd Large Scale Wpvp battle!

    Who are you and why did you steal my signature o_O
  7. JeeroyLenkins

    Tony's Law - Hit mechanics in lvl 1 dueling EXPLAINED

    Please lets do some test duels on our ones. I could have sworn goblins/worgens played a factor in this hit rating bug (and I believe you getting decimated by my goblin is how we first found out about this, the start to your depression lol)
  8. JeeroyLenkins

    Tony's Law - Hit mechanics in lvl 1 dueling EXPLAINED

    Wasn't the issue linked to worgen/goblin level ones specifically? or am I thinking of another bug
  9. JeeroyLenkins

    EU+US Highest base stats at 19

    **Title error** meant MAIN stats not "base" stats Not sure if a thread like this has been made already (probably not because it is pretty pointless), but here it is anyway. I am curious to see how high each main stat (intellect/agility/strength/stamina respectively) can be taken to on each...
  10. JeeroyLenkins

    We Missed A Great Opportunity...

    Would love to see this happen
  11. JeeroyLenkins

    @Sqwippy druid lagged out :*( glad my guild name tilted him tho

    @Sqwippy druid lagged out :*( glad my guild name tilted him tho
  12. JeeroyLenkins

    EU+US Contender Title on Twink. World First?

    What is the level requirement, 20?
  13. JeeroyLenkins

    US Twink Cup

    Forming a team along with Adored, we'd most likely be playing rogue and hunter respectively. We could use everything! Add either of our Btags if you have any interest: Jeeroy#11839 Rupert#11286
  14. JeeroyLenkins

    EU+US Professions 10 - 19 Bracket

    Wrong. This net requires Outland tailoring, can't be learned at level 19.
  15. JeeroyLenkins

    EU+US Warmode before level 15

    Wow this is sick! :O
  16. JeeroyLenkins

    EU+US Must have Toys?

    The Flag of Ownership 100% a necessity *BOINK!* :)
  17. JeeroyLenkins

    EU Finally BIS.

    Get the other heirloom ring and you'll be as geared as my level 1 :)
  18. JeeroyLenkins

    The new music is pretty sweet too

    The new music is pretty sweet too