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  1. Dorigon

    US Dollar Collapse

    What was Germany's hat supposed to do circa WWII? It's small and insignificant - resistance would be futile. However, it did save almost all of its Jews.
  2. Dorigon

    local junk food

    What's your point? The photo posted was of a bagel with lox and cream cheese, not of other examples of Jewish cuisine. Anyway, you're preaching to the choir here - have had more than my fill of potato kugel and noodle kugel, overly cooked brisket, latkes, matza ball soup, gefilte fish...
  3. Dorigon

    US Dollar Collapse

    Ethnicity and income. They usually go hand in hand.
  4. Dorigon

    US Dollar Collapse

    I can easily believe that. Different socioeconomic situations.
  5. Dorigon

    US Dollar Collapse

    Teacher salary is also incredibly diverse. It's not 'amazing' anywhere, but it can range from working class to solidly middle class depending on location and years spent in the profession. Not to mention, teachers get pretty great pensions through state governments. Where I lived (Phoenix area)...
  6. Dorigon

    local junk food

    This is local? There are Jews everywhere.
  7. Dorigon

    US Dollar Collapse

    I don't follow this all the way through. Education in the US is free through the end of high school. Not only that, but it also has a high percentage of college graduates despite tuition being criminally expensive. It's really fruitless to compare a truly diverse country of 330 million with the...
  8. Dorigon

    US Dollar Collapse

    Interesting stuff but reading anything like that results in an avalanche of existential crisis for me. No thanks!
  9. Dorigon

    US Dollar Collapse

    Why worry? In all likelihood, you're going to live a relatively comfortable life in line with your current living situation, probably have a wife and kids, then die in 50-60 years without any of this stuff coming to pass. Look back in history, and when you think about it, Earth-shattering events...
  10. Dorigon

    Who owns this website now?

    Main difference being it's mostly dead. Do the ads pay the server fees? What's the monthly shortfall?
  11. Dorigon

    How do you go about Eating?

    I don't buy the supposed link between fast food, low income/education, and obesity. Regardless of what you eat, "good" or not, eating too much of it will lead to obesity.
  12. Dorigon

    Moving Out

    If you're working to improve yourself, then I really recommend staying with your parents for as long as you can, as it is financially smart. If they kick you out or your mental health can't handle it, then move out, but there's no need to give in to societal pressure on this. You are no less of...
  13. Dorigon


    2016 Toyota Corolla
  14. Dorigon

    How many of you will Boycott Blizz

    A 'plan' doesn't make up for resources. Right now, the profits from the oil industry go toward funding Norway's welfare system. Obviously they can adjust to some extent, but such a large chunk isn't made up for in a short amount of time.
  15. Dorigon

    How many of you will Boycott Blizz

    He meant that Norway's economy will go to shit once the oil dries up, not that it disproportionately relies on fossil fuels. And yes, a cursory glance at Google reveals that oil and gas production account for 20% of its economy.
  16. Dorigon

    How many of you will Boycott Blizz

    Ultimately, @RiverpawGrinder and @Merlin are like opposing caricatures, with the truth being somewhere in the middle.
  17. Dorigon

    How many of you will Boycott Blizz

    It's like a wumao party in here
  18. Dorigon

    Who owns this website now?

    Was this ever answered?
  19. Dorigon

    What'd he do this time?

    What'd he do this time?
  20. Dorigon

    Let’s talk Antonio Brown Release and who he will end up with.

    Kind of doubt he'll be playing anywhere next year. Teams aren't going to want to deal with that level of backlash.