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  1. 25 Tabards

    Spend a few RL dollars and get a TCG tabard. Even though i'm a firm believer in F2P-Purism, I reckon this is ok.
  2. Lowbie dungeons bugged!

    I can confirm, happened to me and my group in SFK. Shame we can't use it to our advantage and exploit something... :'( To fix it, we just put ourselves in the finder again.
  3. Is playing as a Hunter bad? (and some other questions)

    I too play a hunter for the exact same reasons you do! I reckon who cares, you can be geared and have BiS items but if you have no skill you can't get kills... Screw the people!
  4. Warning about f2p dks * unconfirmed

    From research I did, it worked on most if not all Brazilian servers. I personally don't have a GF'd DK, but i'm asking the question as too why Brazilian servers? I personally think DK's will be un-GF'd. As for when? Who knows, guess we just have to try when 5.4 hits or randomly try to make a DK...
  5. Warning about f2p dks * unconfirmed

    Mhmm your theory does sound right, doesn't explain why you could only do it on a Brazil server though. Guess time will tell! Thanks for the insight though. :)
  6. Got a rant, had a bad day? TELL IT HERE

    I'm sick of P2P's trying to be F2P. Just f****** play F2P without any P2P shit involved. No GM engineering to get guild BoA's and all that other shit. JUST PLAY AN UN-LINKED F2P ACCOUNT. *exhales.*
  7. Warning about f2p dks * unconfirmed

    So... it's a possibility, you just don't want it too happen? Hahaha.
  8. Warning about f2p dks * unconfirmed

    Do you reckon DK's will ever be un-GF'd? Aka, another glitch will be found sooner or later. Maybe after 5.4 hits...?