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  1. Active 19 twink realm(s). USA

    Lol, why did you transfer over if you were disappointed with what you saw on the PTR?
  2. Active 19 twink realm(s). USA

    A few months ago people were saying Alliance got faster queue times, but since some horde players switched to ally, I think it's fairly balanced now. I recently made a horde twink and it seems to me I get faster queues as horde. Someone here should be able to give you a definitive answer though...
  3. 19s combat/plays tyles discussion

    Unfortunately, pugs are the only frame of reference I have to give my opinion about. There are definitely not many rogues that effectively utilize kick (I use recount and check interrupts at the end of every match; it's pretty depressing), but I still believe combat rogues are viable and serve a...
  4. 19s combat/plays tyles discussion

    Hmm, that's where I'm going to have to disagree. I don't see any advantage of only taking one rogue on offense. In most cases, offense usually consists entirely of rogues and druids for the specific reason of stealth and the element of surprise, not to mention the benefits of multiple...
  5. 19s combat/plays tyles discussion

    The way I look at it, if I and a sub rogue are working the efc and my higher dps manages to get his health low enough before some stupid shit happens (ie priest fear, tauren stomp, what have you), the sub rogue can shadowstep as the fc tries to escape, finish him off and return the flag which...
  6. 19s combat/plays tyles discussion

    Haha, oh damn, calling me out. I agree, sub has much better utility, Blade Flurry is far less useful compared to Shadowstep, but I find it less fun personally. Sub is probably much better for WSG objectives in returning the flag and such, but my experience with sub rogues is that they just like...
  7. The Good Old Days

    One of the worst decisions I made during my WoW career (first time I "quit" the game, I left my rogue in Org in full defias and later deleted her. Goodbye Shadowfang...) Anyone know if Nonstop (troll rogue, forgot server, from Cyclone battlegroup) still plays? That guy was really good too.
  8. 19s combat/plays tyles discussion

    Hehe, I remember when I discovered that. It was fun to grab the flag and "exit" tunnel, let all the heat run down midfield and then appear behind them to go a different direction. I'm such a bastard (I don't/can't do that anymore though).
  9. 19s combat/plays tyles discussion

    You're right about shadowstep being OP for 19's. We should set up a 1v1 between our combat rogues some time. I miss old school rogue duels so I'd look forward to doing that again. I generally play at night and when I do I'm usually on the public vent, if you're ever on and see me (vent name...
  10. The Good Old Days

    Yep. That was it.
  11. The Good Old Days

    Oh yeah? I didn't play on the PTR too much, so most of my experience was limited to Cyclone players. I did know about a rogue on Arthas (US) that was generally acknowledged as being better than him, can't remember his name though. I came close to beating Mythos a few times myself, never did...
  12. The Good Old Days

    Don't know about Salt, Mythos was the best rogue I ever saw. Anyone know what happened to him?
  13. 19s combat/plays tyles discussion

    I agree, Mocha, that's why I play as a combat rogue. I get a lot of eyebrows, but it's still a viable spec. More fun, too. Subtlety is just too boring. Combat doesn't have stellar burst damage, but it has consistently high dps. The most annoying thing is having a good 1v1 with someone employing...
  14. Active 19 twink realm(s). USA

    You should include details such as preferred faction (Horde or Alliance) and preferred server type (PvP, PvE... RP?). I think a good place to start looking would be the servers from the old Ruin battlegroup, because Ruin was the most active battlegroup for 19s before Blizz merged them all. I...
  15. The Good Old Days

    My first 19 (18 in the SS): I miss my original rogue: I miss this guy too (Fearmyrogue):
  16. Do you need heirlooms to 19 twink?

    It's all about having fun, right? Sometimes it's fun to put on a full Defias set with no heirlooms. Skill > Gear (not claiming I'm ultra skilled enough to pull off 100% success with full defias gear though). Btw, Pizza, really digging your lifetime HK's (123456 @ time of post).