Search results

  1. Treant's Bane I've been farming this for my 49 twink, and so far I've had no luck at all. Done about 50 runs so far. Wowhead says the chance is 0.5%, but I assume it takes all opens of the tribute chest into account and since it can only drop on a full tribute run the drop...
  2. My Transmog Set and how to do it (BoA's)

    I found that it doesn't matter whether you put the BoA straight into the mail from your char or into your bag first. Worked either way for me.
  3. [US] Level One Twinks

    I'd be totally into gearing up a new lvl 1! Pvping or raiding without boas sounds lots of fun I <333333 my lvl 1 atm, but trying out a new one might be refreshing. Has a server been decided on yet? And to lvl 5s, people play lvl 1 twinks to see how awesome they can be at lvl 1. Massive raids...
  4. Fury Warrior Never really fully geared (no agms) and has a few grandfathered pieces, but another armoury won't hurt i know my gears a bit weird though -.-'
  5. Introductions

    Hi, I started level 1 twinking nearly 2 years ago but only just got both my agms a few months back :) I play on frostmourne US. If anyone else plays here let me know! Btw, how are all the lvl 1s getting like 2k ap in thier sigs..?
  6. Are bgs popping?

    I've been trying to queue for bgs on the us battlegroups, but i never get any pops... are there bgs popping in the 29s bracket and whats the best time to try?