Search results

  1. Who are the best of each class on AP?

    I haven't pvped on a warrior in low levels since before the shattering :P
  2. Who are the best of each class on AP?

    I've never tried fury. I've always preferred arms for pvp.
  3. Who are the best of each class on AP?

    It's ridiculous they moved hamstring to level 26. Sure, I like being a melee without a slow, thanks blizz.
  4. The [Un]Official Rage Against Hunter Forum

    I always enjoy reading posts where people say they will quit the game. Because let's face it, most people who say they are going to quit never do. They're just seeking attention. As for hunters being OP, you can't really argue with that. It's been known for a while they're broken in the first...
  5. So farming..

    Personally I never saw the point in gy farming. All you're doing is lengthening the game and being a complete prick. When I pvp, I like having a challenge. Not ganking every single person I see with my whole team. That doesn't appeal to me, I feel more satisfied when I kill someone else on my...
  6. F2P Armory Library

    Namelezz @ Aerie Peak - Game - World of Warcraft