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  1. Advise on a good class to twink? Please help.

    I need some advise on a class that would do rather well as a twink. My two main thoughts were either a hunter(which we all know dominates in pvp and always has and always will.) Or a druid, maybe Resto since bg's are always in need of healers. I thought about paladin but I don't really want to...
  2. Level 70 Rogue saying hello to all!

    I see a lot more improvements you need, but i'm to tired to type them all lol. You should probably look up a rogue lv.70 twink guide on google.
  3. Bring back low level arenas for twinks!

    I remember back in TBC when they had arenas for lower levels, like level 19's could que for arena. You didn't have to be level 70 like they changed in Cata. All twinks can really do now is duel and do bg's, which is fun and all but gets boring after awhile. Don't you think they should bring back...
  4. Rate my F2P Assassination Rogue

    Get forest leather bracers, they have 5 agility, then save gold for a stam enchant on them. Then max your skinning and mining out as far as you can go to maximize there benefits. Also level first aid to the max to get the max benefits of the higher healing for when you get away and can heal a...