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  1. Lemon

    How do I transmorg BoA-head?

    For me it seemed to cancel the transmog on the BOA item in the first mail slot try placing something else in the first slot and mailing the transmogged item with it.
  2. Lemon

    Rogues May Lose Gouge in MOP

    As much as I love my disengage... As a class that can kite just about anything 1v1, without disengage and with the speed buffs and snare removals going round, it may just balance out. It will definitely improve the bracket if we don't have it. Too many hunters everywhere, but at 19 I...
  3. Lemon

    Shadowfang still drops!

    you can if you own two
  4. Lemon

    Shadowfang still drops!

    Inb4 Dasfizzla created Nalpaca> Mails spare Shadowfang> sells to self to get lil kiddies excited> Creates troll thread and gets it stickied XD
  5. Lemon

    2012 Tink Draft

    Cweawly you want to twansfer me... Check chars is sig.
  6. Lemon

    Twinking Once Again

    I lol'd Srsly! We get all of them!? ALL!!!! ALL OF THEM!!!
  7. Lemon

    Bugged out buff?

    Wow, mental fail there... lets just pretend this post NEVER happened... kthnxbai
  8. Lemon

    Bugged out buff?

    Heya, just wondering if its just me... or if Blood Boil is bugging out for all my Lock buddies out there? My Imp doesn't appear to be passing the buff to anyone atm in WSG... Occasionally it'll work? then it won't. noticed i didn't have the buff, clicked it off auto cast and back on...
  9. Lemon

    Warrior pants

    Fury Warriors have a habit of using the legionnaire's leggings as when duel wielding we're trying to deal more damage with all of our extra white hits, as hit cap is only 100% hit chance for abilities. (Props to Ghostfighter on the tip) I see Dividend leggings as not really viable, as its...
  10. Lemon

    19 Lock - Boulderfist

    I was under the impression Staff of Jordan was preferable due to the resil? or is it used purely for FC-ing?
  11. Lemon

    19 Lock - Boulderfist

    19 Lock, Lemonz Just looking for some suggestions. Anything else I should be collecting? Notes: 1) Second AGM is 8/12 2) Mystics Robe w/ +100 HP in bag for FC 3) Heirloom insignia of the Alliance (currently on Hunter, switch depending on...
  12. Lemon

    Skinning - Training it up

    Thanks all, pretty sure i'll be right from here
  13. Lemon

    Skinning - Training it up

    Hey there all, Just wondering whether any of you have a particular spot you found good for farming up your skills in skinning. Cheers in advance
  14. Lemon

    Fury Warrior Twink - improvements?

    Iemòn - 19 Gnome Warrior (Fury) - Boulderfist How can i improve him? besides BOA helm/shoulders/chest - they're in the works. Aaaaaand go.
  15. Lemon

    LFH not su lucky or?

    Unless its changed recently... you're just the type of lucky person most twinks love to hate :D
  16. Lemon

    Hunter Pets?

    Oh I AM going to like this place... :D I haven't laughed that hard in a long time Splenda. Also Lawlpurge ...If i laughed does that make me a bad person ? :D Thankyou all for the input, sounds like I'll be needing to acquire myself a Rare bat then ;)
  17. Lemon

    Hunter Pets?

    LOL nice, to all aforementioned future flamers, yes i'm aware the mass migration to the currently ridiculously overpowered class it is, but hey... at least i'm putting in the time to do it CORRECTLY. Not just 'meh, close enough to geared properly...' after all, Someone has to keep Pizza...
  18. Lemon

    Hunter Pets?

    Hey guys, decided to get back on the twink wagon After being absent for quite some time I've gone about relearning all the new gear and how to acquire it, Now i just have one question... (I was Headlemon, Druid FC for 'If We Die Its Lag' on Boulderfist some time, if you can recall us Pizza...