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  1. Enjoy's 39 Retribution Guide

    In duels, you have a point. I don't really duel much though, I do BG's, and in BG's, there's nearly ALWAYS someone nearby to wack on. Trying to chase after that ranged guy who's happy to kite you to death is really a bad idea when you could be blowing up that rogue/druid/healer who got too...
  2. Desolace Questline- anyone know how to start it?

    The legs from the third quest in that series.
  3. Desolace Questline- anyone know how to start it?

    An Introduction Is In Order - Quest - World of Warcraft is the start on wowhead, but I just visited the dude, he's not offering it (for my 29 anyway)
  4. 4.0.3a Paladin Spells not gone?

    Yeah, if that's true all the way down the board... my 59 holy/prot pally (holy is Exo spec'd) is going to be a freaking BEAST. I can already sustain 1k dps for a long time just spamming exo, and if I pop my CD's I can jump that to 1.5k+ (both these are with zero crits, and my baseline crit is...
  5. ZG enchants

    Most likely, they will not work until you're 60+. That depends on how thorough Blizzard was when they did their enchant changes, however. Notice that ZG enchants on Heirloom shoulders show a "requries level 55" *until* you hit 55, then it doesn't show a requirement. It's likely that ZG...
  6. Enjoy's 39 Retribution Guide

    Spellpen? Unless Cata changes things, spellpen is pointless for paladins, as there is no player-obtainable holy resistance. Word of Glory? OOM? It's generally much more profitable as ret to use FoL to heal yourself, and save those HP for a TV burst. In that respect I'd go 5% CS...
  7. Arathi Basin popped on Ruin 59s!

    Lol.... ouch :P
  8. Physical damage plate users.

    He's either a dedicated troll, or (imo) just an idiot.
  9. le sigh... warrs suck... so bloody hard.

    Yes, sub 50 warriors are in a rough spot. No in-combat charge unless ~40prot or 49 arms, no intercept, no fear break, and, the kicker, still a 25(30) yard range on charge, when almost every ranged has a 40 yard range baseline now. Sure, if you catch someone off guard/a baddy, you can blow...
  10. PC - Staff of Jordan

    only really useful to someone without BoA's. Dunno abouit value though.
  11. 60 Enh. Shaman vs. 60 Ret Pally

    Very little beats a gemadin.
  12. Video technical help!

    Hrm. Well, I thought youtube did auto-adjustments for most things? Esp. resolution, you get a list of resolutions to play vids at depending on how they were uploaded (one of my earlier vids I uploaded as a WMV is listed at 720HD along with the lower res options). I'm trying it now with a...
  13. 59 Twink Tank - Mongoose or Crusader Enchantment?

    I didn't quote, I reworded. Source isn't necessary, it's simple math. Yes, it doesn't make much sense to list it that way, since not only is the OP using a 2.4 speed weapon, but yes, haste and instants are affected differently. However, haste and instants are outside the "basic" 14ap=1dps...
  14. 59 Twink Tank - Mongoose or Crusader Enchantment?

    14/3.5=4 14ap=1dps 3.5sec speed weapon=4 ap per 1 damage increase. I've never heard anyone bother posting the formula that way though, since weapon speed is generally the variable, not a static number like that assumes.
  15. Video technical help!

    I'm trying to get in to video editing, but so far Youtube seems to hate whatever I do. Most of my old Fraps recordings are at half-resolution from 1440x900@30fps (so 720x450). I have Sony Vegas Pro 9.0. I've rendered into all kinds of formats- WMV, AVI, MP4, with all kinds of compressions-...
  16. The 59 bracket -- a second look

    You are a fucking pro necromancer, bro
  17. Mage or Warlock?

    Probably what he said. Also if uncoordinated means a bit slow to nail your hotkeys you'll get demolished at 59 as well, it's very fast paced.
  18. Mage or Warlock?

    Differences between destro 'locks and fire mages are fairly slim; destro has the advantage of a pet; fire mages, if you can believe it, probably have more survivability unless the destro is sub-spec'd for soul link. Fire has a surprising number of escape moves, at least in terms of melee, and...
  19. Mage or Warlock?

    Which do you prefer playing? Neither are bad. I love my fire mage; haven't tried a 'lock at 59, although I'm sure a twinked gnome lock of ANY spec would rape XP-on games.
  20. General Quest/Rep items, special stuff

    I've heard both D2 and tier .5. D2 is mostly what I hear now since the blue post saying it is, in fact, D2. 1.5? How does that even work? Or was that "dungeon 1.5"? still doesn't make much sense /:-*