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  1. 70 Mage Twink Arena Video

    This how you play a mage @ 70 in arenas... audio messed up at the start notice the deepfreeze to priest for lawls cc and burst on warrior... yawn lol i love the commentary in your video... I could have 1v2'd that first team you showed. why do bads make vids ;/
  2. Ele or Enh shammy?

    ele is so much fun, but fulmination non crits are like 3k QQ. you need fulmination crit + lavaburst to kill anyone... lb is shit for damage.
  3. Why are there no 70 warlocks

    They are viable, BUT you just get shit on in 2's and 3's against mages and rogues...
  4. Best level 70 Rogue and Priest in the world - a MUST read.

    rofl, seeing this post reminds of kids that played the same dota version after several updates. This is 70 arena, it's hella fun, but absolutely zero balance what so ever. priest w/ mage/rogue is easy mode. requires no skill what so ever. Just because you can sap, fear, mc, sap, blind a target...
  5. Ele or Enh shammy?

    71 enhance with nifflevar axes imo grinding my 2nd axe now! ele just doesn't pew pew enough at 70@ and really if you arena you have to do what counter priest/mage/rogue's
  6. Warrior Viability

    well most people go jc/eng for neck and trinkets/tinkers so therefore chain of unleashed would be bis, to 99% of the warriors out there...
  7. BIS 70 Shaman Ele and Enhance

    you know in less than 30 minutes you could have one built ;/ people are lazy these days
  8. Listax LF 10 more (Dps) for their 25 man

    can't any class in brutal gear get over 3k? lol
  9. Cata engineering tinkers and you @70

    i've had amazing luck... pally - 1st try - synapse rogue - 2nd - synpase mage - 1st - tazik lock - 1st - synpase and tazik (lawls would be on a shitty class)
  10. Warrior Viability

    Situational here... I have synapse on my pally, rogue, and tazik on my mage, both synapse/tazik on my lock. I think their both equally good, but if the tazik crits> then again idk much about warriors seeing as i've never played one... So 480 stregnth might be amazing and make up for all that pvp...
  11. 70 Mage

    oh i know trust me even with the dispel spamming, their fucking priest gets to sit out in the open and cc's or does w/e she wants. frost mage control is so annoying.
  12. 70 Mage

    so true, you just need your priest to spam dispels on your rogue while he sits on mage, force priest trinket swap dance with cloak up gg
  13. Rogue or Feral Druid

    yea man, feral does mad damage... the bleeds are just retarded as well.
  14. Ret Pally Clue Wanted

    idk about you guys but i twink... if that means hitting 74 so my druid can cc then i will. if you want to stay 70 and spam exo as holy hf, but i don't. nothing is more fun than gg'ing kids with wings. people can stop acting like 70 twink pvp is any skill whatsoever and if you want to play comps...
  15. FR Gear :)

    only takes a second to realize it's for frost... only resist you would possibly ever use is frost... fire doesn't exist in arenas ;/
  16. shadow priest/frost mage

    i'd say spriest/frost mage > disc/frost. You have a lot of cc as an spriest and your off heals are amazing. the cc you can line up on a disc priest while raping the mage is crazy. once he ice blocks, reset and once dr drops gg.
  17. Rogue or Feral Druid

    feral imo hands down... awesome bleed ticks and they can heal better
  18. Ret Pally Clue Wanted

    I'm not saying it's no good at "all" I'm just saying as a ret use your cd's the right way, pop wings (i also have synapse) and gg a kid. Get an exo proc, pop wings and global someone. spam dispel and judgement to stay on a mage. It's really not hard at all and you blow through their shields. I...
  19. FR Gear :)

    nah, i don't hate mages i play one bis... I just think it would be hillarious to fight them with frost resist gear. Most of them are bad and have ego's that of a 13 year old who's dick started getting hard. As far as arenas go usually you'll find out who you will be playing... My mmr is 2200 and...
  20. Ret Pally Clue Wanted

    I have 6 70 twinks and I have found that resil on healers is really the only way to go. I run full pve on my fire/frost mage and shit on 2200 mmr kids. Anyway as far as my ret goes I really don't take that much damage with cd's up i can 1v2/3 kids at times. I can even shit on mages. look you can...