Search results

  1. Achievement points - level 10 - 14

    one thing to consider if it is within your budget is separating your main and your twink to 2 accounts on the same bnet. ridiculously helpful for a lot of my achievements. a lot of em I even 3 to 4 boxed before the have group will travel feature was available for the summon capability. No...
  2. Achievement points - level 10 - 14

    awesome job guys ...but you're all still a bit short of the top lvl 1 Thisisanalt
  3. Achievement points!

    lately not too much other than doing two dailies each day lol. Getting to 25k gold looted kinda burned me out a bit.
  4. Achievement points!

    changed the format slightly and added a top 30 for EU players
  5. GoC farming, safe for the moment

    If you have both if the guild perks & you are already friendly with CE its closer to around 3500 keys total but who knows with RNG
  6. GoC farming, safe for the moment

    Blue post - "So, just as a reference here are the keys we're currently seeing as ones that will not be converted to gold or removed upon release of the patch -- if you have them they'd be put back into your normal inventory. This isn't necessarily a final list, and it's possible we could cut the...
  7. Achievement points!

    Deep Sea Monsterbelly and Moonglow Cuttlefish - The frozen sea south of Une'pe in Borean Tundra. Nettlefish - Sholazar Basin
  8. Dread Pirate Ring what?

    I've caught 29 over 2 years. IF you fish the entire duration of the contest you will catch the shark a little bit less than once every 3 weeks. The chances of you catching the 1st one during any given week are pretty ridiculous. The server population has some effect. However...
  9. Achievement points!

    Added 3 people to the lists: Crescentia & Pollyanna - US and Falsthyr - EU I think Falsthyr may be the warrior formerly known as Kurian but IDK
  10. Reputations

    This is an accurate list except for 1 repuatation: Ogri'la some say that it is grandfathered, but have not confirmed this myself. Baradin's Wardens is not possible at this time.
  11. Achievement points!

    I go in spurts. I haven't BG'd in a long time. The change in the game overall has been a lil bit of a turn off, but since the patch I'll have to check it out pretty soon.
  12. Achievement points!

    5832 for vanguard, 9720 honor for all with no guild perk They updated the armory, the new shtuff is in :) Edit: also I forget who said that the ring of the kirin tor achieve was grandfathered, but it seems that is no longer the case. Also armory prob won't update transfers but I...
  13. Achievement points!

    guess you gotta get more than 4k honor then :D I was was mistaken about those new guild tabards. I didn't read it close enough and got my hopes up to thinking that it was all rep gains, but it is only guild rep gains :( sorry to any other ppl I might have mentioned that to. With...
  14. Achievement points!

    nice...keep at it I wish blizz prepared the armory for their patches. None of the new shtuff is on armory yet :(
  15. Achievement points!

    I count 34/33 H/A reps exalted possible....unless you are purosely not counting argent dawn or Ogri'la which are grandfathered atm
  16. Achievement points!

    Just tried the new cooking and fishing in IF, finished them and then went to SW. I probably would have known if I bothered to do anything on PTR but bummed to find out that we can only do 1 cooking and 1 fishing daily regardless of which city you choose to do them in.
  17. BON just killed an 80 elite

    Excellent Job! just remove the word "soloed" and replace with beat... and ur good ;)
  18. Achievement points!

    ur a beast man...gonna make the world list soon enough
  19. Achievement points!

    Welcome back, nice work & grats!
  20. 19 Twink Title

    Do eet! :D or just wait till tuesday and it'll take 1/2 as long :O