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  1. @reckoning

    We are in the process right now of getting the details sorted. We should be premading around a month.
  2. @reckoning

    All bow to the new GM of <WDWPFT> LOWLY KNAVES!
  3. Elemental Shammys are good? WTF no wai.

    I have a perfect ele set, it's fun, plain and simple. Not really, to answer your question. Speaking of purely dpsing, LB spam is difficult to beat on a 2sec cast. All I am really saying is that pure ele's damage is hard to match, its survivability and utility are pretty bad. I can only...
  4. Elemental Shammys are good? WTF no wai.

    I am probably going to catch some heat for this, but i still think pure ele can be utterly devestating when running with a premade(used properly, of course). A full ele shaman in full nature damage gear freecasting in the back of a group of his teamates can turn the tide of the battle so easily...
  5. Why Premades are better without Screenshots

    a little trash talking is good for health competition. Damn, i couldnt imagin what basketball would be like if I couldnt rub a victory in my opponents face...
  6. How to Become Immune to Crowd Control in WSG

    All i am saying is that most would laugh at the twink that uses this, and for good reason. I never said it was an exploit, in fact i don't believe it to be. I suppose it is exploitative in the fact that it is intentionally misused but lets not argue over vocabulary. It is a method to avoid CC, i...
  7. How to Become Immune to Crowd Control in WSG

    This is exactly the mentality im talking about when it comes to certain "twinks". The title of this thread is "how to become immune to Crowd control in WSG". lol this post is a joke as well as a good portion of the posters on TI. I will say it again, real pvp'ers would never use this method...
  8. How to Become Immune to Crowd Control in WSG

    Hmmmm lets compare... Being able to break CC in a premade match where CC is pivotal VS. 150 health buff from Rum Do you see my point. Anyone who knows anything about pvp knows cc is incredible important and necessary in a coordinated match. I think i might even go as far as...
  9. 39 priest

    o shutup DD, think you know what your talking about IM ORIGINAL LOVE ME Edit: alrite im done being dumb for the day. Let me go make myself some herbal tea
  10. Pricecheck - Shadowforge Bushmaster.

    lotta dumb in this thread
  11. How to Become Immune to Crowd Control in WSG

    Nice job something dumb like this. Encourage people to use unintentional methods to become immune to crowd control. Real twinks or should i say PVPERS wont use this, just like you wont use fap's. I am getting an eerily similiar feeling to when TI posted how to exploit shoulder/head...
  12. Whats the best Shaman for lvl 39??

    Returning flags in WSG is a tiny part of the whole? Yes, if youre spellhance your healer is going to have an easier time keeping you up, but that means nothing if you cant burst your target down. My estimation would be more like 75% spellhance.
  13. Whats the best Shaman for lvl 39??

    I *cited* one instance, and thank you for agreeing with me. If you can not remember, my original point is that you should change your gear and play depending on whats thrown at you. Going with an "overall" approach with shamans, is gimping the class. Shamans have a unique ability to adapt to...
  14. Whats the best Shaman for lvl 39??

    If im chasing the EFC (say a mage), and i have a healing buddy, it would be downright moronic not to throw on your ap gear/2her and try to return. The situations are ALWAYS changing, thats why i believe a shamans gear choice/playstyle should be constantly changing.
  15. Whats the best Shaman for lvl 39??

    Bottom Line for WSG: Have 2 sets of gear for your enhance spec. Change with the situation. You will become the utmost in versatility then. Yes, i can understand how waiting for that fat WF to come around gets boring, but you are talking about the BEST burst ability in the bracket. RNG ftw. I...
  16. Selling Ribsplitter of the Tiger

    I have 2 on bonechewer if anyone is interested
  17. Wts Shadowforge Bushmaster

    are you willing to xfer?
  18. Green Lens

    Your sig is badass
  19. 19 and 39 Gear for Sale

    lol you said harder
  20. Get achievement ***res out of our AGM's

    log in at 3am, 6am server and i ALWAYS was able to solo it on my shaman. Hell, even those times when there are 2-3 80s fighting over it you can jack it. The 12th trinket i got on my shaman came as 2 80s were fighting over it and the boomkin cycloned the retadin right before he died. That paladin...