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  1. Basmogaz

    The funniest .gif's pt II

    I only have naughty gifs...
  2. Basmogaz

    Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA)

    Mehcritkillu...So because ppl are starving..we cant be worried about our freedom? Then we cant be worried about anything coz there will always be that **** up part of the world where things are **** and death seems better than life. SOPA combined with martial law, will **** op the states so...
  3. Basmogaz

    *Help* Feral PvP

    1. vs Casters sneek up pop everything crit 15k- win
  4. Basmogaz

    Goblin or gnomeish

    Alright! Thx for the replies!
  5. Basmogaz

    Rank 1 2v2 EU

    I want a lvl 74 feral druid too...(i really do!) You guys must be facerolling everything.
  6. Basmogaz

    DK / Priest 70

    Well you could look in the BiS PvP stickie Well i would say that blood Dks got decent survivability, so you could easily gem more str, as you need to put out some pressure.
  7. Basmogaz

    Goblin or gnomeish

    This has probably been answered a million times alread, but i need an quick answer, what to do Gnomeish or goblin engi?
  8. Basmogaz


    Hai, ffffrf. Maybe, people says ´´what´´ all the time coz they really dont care what you have to say, and therefore finds glaring out in empty air more appealing than listening to you???? Out of politeness, some people try to act like they actually give a cake about you, and reply with...
  9. Basmogaz

    its actually called rogue not rouge

    Atleast he dosnt spam the forum with stupid ****, like you do...
  10. Basmogaz

    70 twink warlock

    Destro can poor out some mad dmg!
  11. Basmogaz

    Dont call me a twink anyone, PLEASE?

    lol FU xD
  12. Basmogaz

    Account temporarly locked

    WoW account...Well after a whole lot of work he got it opneded again ..Must have been a GM popping in on the account to see what state it was in
  13. Basmogaz

    (EU) WHy is nobody queuing rbgs

    mhmm not enough (skilled)players to que on aszune...
  14. Basmogaz

    Rank 1 2v2 EU

    wow...a prot pally as rank 1... damn thats something else!
  15. Basmogaz

    Account temporarly locked

    Something VERY VERY weird just happened...Af not being online for 6 month i suddenly see him online..and then he logs off pretty fast i ring him and ask him if he got it fixed, to wich he replies ´´ No?`´ He still cant log in, and he gave me his PW to see if i could..but no luck. The account...
  16. Basmogaz

    Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA)

    Yeah its super creepy, glad im not living in the states...Think there is another thread about already
  17. Basmogaz

    Account temporarly locked

    My freinds account has ben ´´temporarly´´ locked for some months now, but he has no idea how to get the lock removed? How does **** like that work?
  18. Basmogaz

    My Mage Is Complete! =D

    Knais what does BiS cover for then?
  19. Basmogaz

    70 rogues and agil stacking gems

    Hai, Chillton....I both love you and hate you.
  20. Basmogaz

    My Mage Is Complete! =D

    Why say its complete then? What about heirloom trinket for 24 more resi?