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  1. Wing Clip + Disengage

    #showtooltip Disengage /console targetNearestDistance 5.000000 /targetenemy [noharm][dead] /cast [harm,nodead] Wing Clip /cast Disengage /targetlasttarget That's the version up on Arena Junkies, which can also Wing Clip Disengage a melee without losing a target.
  2. Making a 49 Rogue...

    Yeah, sorry. Gutripper. I always confuse the names of those two daggers. >_<
  3. aff lock weapon (enchant for lvl 60 felbane)

    Black Magic. If you're going 63 spellpower, you're wasting the entire questline to get the Felbane gear. Arbiter's w/ Soulfrost is 62 shadow spellpower. Black Magic provides better damage (on paper), and is also your ONLY source of damage of that sort, plus the utility that comes with a non...
  4. Making a 49 Rogue...

    You can't put 35 agi on anything in the 49 bracket. Except Enchanted Azsharite Felbane Dagger for Horde, and it would be a complete waste of the weapon to do that if you went through the trouble to get it (Accuracy, Berserking and AP would all be better, not to mention the dagger isn't good for...
  5. Hunter Weapons?

    Just get Grimlok's with 35 agi if you're trying to go the 'stack agi/AP like mad and abandon int' route. Double Rin'ji are going to be inferior AP wise, and the health gain is minimal. I'd recommend getting 30 int on them personally, and you can switch them up as the situation warrants...