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  1. Horde Warrior

    This exactly. Arms has always been my preferred warrior spec, but without hamstring or juggernaut/intercept it seems exceptionally gimp compared to say ret or enh, which both have ranged damage options and exceptional self heals.
  2. Horde Warrior

    Going to make a p2p twink horde side, sticking to the enchant and gearing rules but i will be making him goblin, because i can't imagine playing a warrior without hamstring or intercept. Anyways please critique my chardev. Also this is going to be my initial gear while i work up to LFH and BOAs...
  3. Getting AB pops.

    hurray for maths. yeah i had to go to work so i missed out on the AB. How was the match up horde/alliance wise? was it competitive? Also what kinds of classes showed up? lots of hunters and rogues or what?
  4. BoE Tracker Thread

    atleast now you two can whisper eachother.
  5. AAARRRGGGGHHH! Dungeons.

    good to know, I just started my horde shaman and mage, Lazerwolf and Lazerhawk, not sure which one I'm going to work on first. Probably get them both up to 20 and then gear one. Anybody know what would be more beneficial for team games, a CC mage or a resto sham? For the record I've played a...
  6. Getting AB pops.

  7. Getting AB pops.

    I am also EST, and Aerie Peak is a WC server. So ST would be the best way to post what times we are shooting for.
  8. Prot Pal Weapon

    Yeah I've got my protectors sword already, and my mace of the order in the bank, and I did not see the speed or top end on that thing. I'll have to give it a try next time im on, however, my question mostly pertains to whether the bonus spellpower on the BOA healer mace would benefit a prot pal...
  9. Show your 24s.

    its not a war, its a game.
  10. A Plea to Roll Horde

    Someone the other day asked me if there was an xfire up. I didn't know what that was and they explained it to me as a chat addon within wow. We could get one of those going if anyone knows how to set it up.
  11. Prot Pal Weapon

    Anyone have any experience with prot pals at this level? I'm thinking that the healer BOA mace will be a better upgrade then the BOA tank sword because of the bonus sp, and since I find myself exo spamming a lot to kill hunters this seems to be a better choice. Anyone know if I'm wrong? Also I...
  12. worlds first level 24 guild?

    Saw their GM in a WSG the other day, pretty much garbage.
  13. AAARRRGGGGHHH! Dungeons.

    only piece I need now is phantom armor, but I can't solo Ashbury :(
  14. Loads of competetion for AGM on AP?

    This. Also The 24 twinks are relatively easy to smack around, since the only people rolling them are the ones who struggle to compete at 20. Think of them like a boss character in PVE, a little bit tougher than a normal mob but just exploit their weakness (lack of skill) and you'll come out on...
  15. Random 85 Haters

    it's always going to happen with AGM; Blizzard adding that awful achievement for it only exacerbated the issue.
  16. Would i be a douché for not choosing horde?!

    AND THEN some horde 24s showed up and did it back to alliance lol.
  17. Would i be a douché for not choosing horde?!

    This is my first night actually in gulch, and horde are getting absolutely demolished. Undergeared, backpedalling, res-die-repeat. Alliance have 3-4 hunters with healbots, or 24 twinks. It's super one sided, and as soon as I finish this toon (excluding AGM) I'll be rolling a horde resto shaman.
  18. Free to Play: 20 Twinking and You

    This forum, though the old 49qlist would probably work wonders for this bracket.