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  1. Newbie Alert! - Help!

    So switch out my BoA back for Spider's Silk Drape (I have the enchant in the bank waiting for it) Change gloves for Gold Flecked or not? I'm confused? Change my 100hp for +4 stats on chest Change gloves/bracer enchant until I get mindthrust Farm AGM Working on Maxing professions but should I...
  2. Newbie Alert! - Help!

    So keep skinning and change the bracer enchant to +15sp? Should I do that now or wait for Mindthrust Bracers?
  3. Newbie Alert! - Help!

    That is an awesome priest! I know my gear still has a way to go. I am starting work on farming the AGM trinket tonight, I lost a roll on the Firebelcher earlier and I am keeping an eye out for mindthrust's on the AH. Is mining more beneficial than skinning for priests because I see some with...
  4. Newbie Alert! - Help!

    Hello, My names Inuro and i'm brand new to the twinking scene. I've wanted one since late Burning Crusade where I used to play them in Bg's and even kill a few from time to time. I never really got around to it but finally I've thought what the heck and made my first twink. I'm on...