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  1. Looking for help (Level 10 - Mechagon)

    Just another thread talked about this I have my lvl10 mechagon unlocked. So on my main (lvl60) did: 1) Port into Boralus from SW and start the BFA questlines to unlock the Harbormaster map, and eventually the boat for the...
  2. Lvl 10 mistweaver, getting to Mechagon.

    Yes. I did notice that alternative can go cyclic Start with (1 ignite + 5 cells + 150 parts)*5 = 5 oscillator Then you (1 osci + 1 crate + 2 cells)*5 = 15 ignites Then you can create more oscillators, the cycle just consume cells and parts. In summary, if you have 5 oscillators, you can start...
  3. Lvl 10 mistweaver, getting to Mechagon.

    Got my and on my level 10. Luckily 2 pops just rings and no waste. Not lucky enough to get socket or tert. It is a 7 days farming to revered, much less than I had thought.
  4. Dungeon Tour: Season One

    Fun to know such thing exists. Any video link?
  5. Dungeon Tour: Season One

    In parallel to the tournament itself, advise to create a lane for free run with any method without limit (bot/trinket/buff/enchant) to see what is possible. Just adding fun
  6. New to "Twinking" and worried about auto ban

    Avoid ooze and totem in LFG, then they have no base to report.
  7. New to "Twinking" and worried about auto ban

    Don't think farming dungeon will get you banned, even with ooze. It is a known issue for long and bliz just don't bother to fix. Don't know how auto ban works or exists. Even if you are auto banned, you should be able to argue through custom service. If you are not comfortable, use a trial account.
  8. Lvl 10 mistweaver, getting to Mechagon.

    I have my lvl10 mechagon unlocked. So on my main (lvl60), per the list above: 1) Port into Boralus from SW and start the BFA questlines to unlock the Harbormaster map, and eventually the boat for the Zandalar Islands. Yes 2) You need Friendly with the three BFA factions - do the Drustvar...
  9. What did you loot today?=)

    Don't know what to do with gold anyway. Will just leave it in my bank.
  10. What did you loot today?=)

    Almost deleted. Consider to auction off. How much would it worth?
  11. Mechagon is now available

    Check out this thread. Level 10 can get to the island and farm rep - just not sure what exactly is the prerequisite.
  12. Help me make up my mind.

    My druid pull a whole dungeon and won't die. Though, I found that if you put 2 SL gems in one armor (other than straddling-jewel-doublet and revitalizing-jewel-doublet), only one will count for speed & health.
  13. Lvl 10 mistweaver, getting to Mechagon.

    Someone posted on wowhead in 2023 with much less required. I think the list is for your first toon and may also be a bit obsolete. Other alts have different requirements depending on level. My main is rusty and its gear sucks which is why I try to do the minimum. She is 3 faction friendly, has...
  14. Help me make up my mind.

    nothing beats sockets + terts + SL gems speed/heal boost
  15. Lvl 10 mistweaver, getting to Mechagon.

    I am subbed right now. but my lvl 10 does not see the quest, while my another lvl60 see it right away after the very basic intro I suspect do you need to be friendly with the 3 factions?
  16. [Help] Gettin Crushto's Runic Alarm

    why you need someone?
  17. Lvl 10 mistweaver, getting to Mechagon.

    What is the pre-requsite for the The Legend of Mechagon? It seems since 10.2.0 a lvl 60 will get it right after the simple BFA intro for portal setup. But for a lvl 10 this quest giver does not show up.
  18. Transmog Tas' dorah gives speed buff in legion Dalaran. And how do you get to and farm Cata metals for f2p

    Can confirm Transmog Tas' dorah gives 25% speed boost. It works in the whole legion but not dungeon. I am running at 227% in Dalaran now, faster than ground mounts
  19. What is the level requirement to get the blue Stolen Present in Winter Veil event?

    OK. To my own question, Stolen Present reward is for lvl 60-70.
  20. What is the level requirement to get the blue Stolen Present in Winter Veil event?

    it is not for ftp. lvl 40 and garrison lvl 3 minimum