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  1. suntimehappy

    Dubbs new video :) Feral Druid PvP

    Imirak for someone with the ambassador title your gear makes me cringe a little. Did you choose the wrong quest pieces or are you normally not feral? ok now about the video. Your wreaking ball achievment could have been summed up in 10 seconds, a minute was to much for a GY camp. Your fights...
  2. suntimehappy

    what do non-AP players think of AP players?

    not a huge fan of their community. while a lot of people on their are nice, the loud ones cry about how unfair FFAs are, and other stupid stuff. purse is cool but stood me up with playing WAR :( however i do enjoy their anti-camp attitude. I tend to focus them because they do not hold back...
  3. suntimehappy

    Best all around Melee?

    i know that i could beat all those classes keyboard turning, back peddling and clicking, all without a pet.
  4. suntimehappy

    Do you honestly have fun as a F2P in 20-24 battlegrounds?

    yes, i love ruining the bracket for everyone by playing a hunter. soz guys
  5. suntimehappy

    So today i realised that you can kill people in the final WC encounter

    The effect brakes on all dmg, so you want to try and one shot them. which a 1.5K aimshot crit is enough for most people.
  6. suntimehappy

    So today i realised that you can kill people in the final WC encounter

    well i managed to kill all 4 members of the group and solo the boss while they were QQing. most fun iv had in wow in a while.
  7. suntimehappy

    So today i realised that you can kill people in the final WC encounter

    well assuming that i spec as marksman and aimshot crits, il be having some fun
  8. suntimehappy

    MFW when I make an ally warrior to kill Felix

    is that his normal set or just his stamina set? while the 2K unbuffed HP is incredible, he isn't hit capped, he loses attack power 130 attack power, only has 10% crit. i assume this isn't his normal set though, because this truely amazes me how much someone will give up other stats for...
  9. suntimehappy

    MFW when I make an ally warrior to kill Felix

    i have no idea who this guy is, but if people start circlejerk threads about him id like to know who he is. iv tried searching for his armory but can find no lvl 20 twinks or lvl 24 twinks under the name felix
  10. suntimehappy

    Fuh fuqs sayks

    my last 3 tickets have been responded to in 10 seconds to 3 minutes, all answered really well and handled my problem really well. must be unlucky (this was before they cut a lot of their staff however).
  11. suntimehappy

    In all honesty...

    you gotta remember they have 10M + people that they are trying to please and they would rather cater to the bigger crowd of scrubs because it is easier. anyway on topic, i do hope that low level pvp gets more balanced. i mean when i get under a 3KB to death ratio in a battle ground that we...
  12. suntimehappy

    Moar Hunters

    hunters have a high skill cap, it's just that we are so OP that the skill floor is about 20cm above the ground.
  13. suntimehappy

    Level 20 Arena Video

    question: how does a warrior use shadomeld + Charge and Charge to their full potential? please explain with detail because it seemed perfectly reasonable to me, expect for one bit where if he LOS the hunter a little more he could have gotten another charge off.
  14. suntimehappy

    Stealth seeing hacks?

    there's a bug that makes you see stealth targets for along time after they have passed. It's not a hack but a bug, i see stealth targets more then i should occasionally it is weird being sapped and seeing the rogue for 5 seconds after they move away. dismount macro into pet attack works well...
  15. suntimehappy


    wowhead ironwood choppers, they already attacking the worgen so you can't accidentally aggro them, also stack on hit and go crazy.
  16. suntimehappy

    F2P news: Trial extended beyond the level 20 limit? (

    guess it gives an advantage to the super serious twinks then, kinda like how all the super serious twinks all have double AGM on servers that are not aerie peak. i do see the problem with it however it does give you something to do while waiting for ques to pop, if horde actually has bg ques.
  17. suntimehappy

    F2P news: Trial extended beyond the level 20 limit? (

    Who knows if it will be 40 or 60. I just see the lvl 64 twinks with 450 profs, WotLK Enchants and Gems destroying people though. id rather it be lvl 40, as p2p 44 druids,shamans, and paladins only get one WotLK gem and BC enchants. and plus the amount of gear you can get at lvl 40 will help...
  18. suntimehappy

    F2P Meme's

  19. suntimehappy

    F2P Meme's

    for some reason i my upload failed :( il try and get it to work