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  1. Ginger

    My Home Vashj

    Vashj farming comes as a shock to me. The one rule during premades used to be 'no farming'. ^ I agree we love to defend when we premade, and who doesn't afk with bad teams. Not saying it's not a pain to be farmed, but it's a very effective strat when there are flags to be grabbed. Farming just...
  2. Ginger

    F2P Movies Thread

    [F2P WoW] Gingerlock Duels 1 - YouTube
  3. Ginger

    F2P Movies Thread

    Destro lock bgs [F2P WoW] Gingerlock - Destruction Warlock PvP 1 - YouTube
  4. Ginger

    LF RaF

    If anyone is planning on upgrading an account and would like to get extra xp and a mount through Recruit a Friend, let me know :)
  5. Ginger

    Shield Slam Nerf

    sweet no more one shots. they need to fix prot pallies too. Can't stand a dps spec doing less dmg than a tank spec
  6. Ginger

    Changing To Vashj

    Welcome to Vashj! Have you tried calling blizzard? I was able to get my account back I made with a made up email because i knew the char names and secret question.
  7. Ginger

    Gear treadmill Heirlooms

    if it doesnt mention a sell price on the loom i assume trials can buy it with honor or jp
  8. Ginger

    Rate my Lock?

    i would go nobles robe for the crit. i think everything else has been mentioned
  9. Ginger

    5.2 PTR Notes preview :D

    they buffed already OP druids >< warriors and mages got a nice buff tho
  10. Ginger

    Prot/Ret Pala: Human Vs Dwarf

    human, the racial is by far better than dwarf
  11. Ginger

    Wow crits and clips thread.

    thx for posting my vid lich. a little late, but here are some of my highest crit attempts using the DM ragezone buffs: [F2P WoW] Gingerpally - Level 20 Prot Paladin crits 5K! - YouTube
  12. Ginger

    F2P Movies Thread

    [F2P WoW] Gingerpally - Prot Paladin PvP 1 - YouTube [F2P WoW] Gingerpally - Level 20 Prot Paladin crits 5K! - YouTube