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  1. BiS Enchant list?

    I was looking at the wowhead for the mop enchants and they didn't have a slider. Do these not scale down at lower levels?
  2. BiS Enchant list?

    Hi all you 29 twinkers! I've never really did any twinking at all except for f2p twinking when my sub time lapsed. With 6.1 I really want to make a few lvl 20 twinks on my sub acct so when the time ends I can have someone to play on. I asked in the f2p section what would be the best...
  3. Heirloom Tab

    Was it said what would happen to the non-urgraded looms (the lvl 1-80 ones). Will they drop down to the tier 0 lvl 1-60 or be boosted to tier 1 status
  4. 6,1 PTR Observations for F2P: Post Here

    This may not be entirely f2p related but can anyone who has the PTR working check the requirements of the lvl 1 mount? I haven't been able to transfer any of my chars so I can't check but I've been hearing conflicting requirements about it. Does the mount require just all the base heirlooms...
  5. Defias Set Under An Hour! (glitch)

    Is that really true about the armor kits? On Wowhead using the slider they both come up as +1 armor at lvl 29 also, are the 2 defias pieces BiS including Heirlooms?
  6. Veteran Twinking BiS?

    Thanks for the replies. So I was looking and couldn't really find any gear for a lvl 20 that's better than what is already BiS for f2pers, haven't looked too much so far tho so there might be something. I'll keep looking. As far as the enchants go, I didn't even think to just use the lvl 29...
  7. Veteran Twinking BiS?

    Hi guys, This is one of my first times posting here so be gentle xD Now that I have been playing end-game stuff for a couple of months, it got quite boring. I let my time lapse on my p2p acct because i wasn't enjoying end-game anymore. Garrisons, while fun and interesting at first, became...
  8. F2p dk

    it should be noted for people that don't know about this dk bug is that as soon as u log out of that char it will be locked. just wanna let ppl know so they don't invest too much time on the char xD
  9. Making a F2P Monk

    nm, figured my own way out. I had a free trial cd-key from a copy of sc2 i bought. went to add a game key, typed it in, and it gave me a second f2p acct on my bnet acct. Its a Mop starter and now i can make monks!!!!
  10. Making a F2P Monk

    how can i link 2 f2p accounts? I made another acct but I don't know of a way to link the 2 accounts. Also when I try to create a new account with the same e-mail it just says that i can't because the e-mail is already in use. I've tried so many different things and nothing is...
  11. Am I world first lvl 20 F2P Monk?

    How do you link a f2p acct to another f2p one? I thought it was only 1 f2p acct per blizz acct