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  1. Get conquest points as lvl 70 - 80 and 85

    ah shit... cant belive i have to put together a team just for loosing T_T
  2. 85 hunter chardev BiS

    get the blue gear with that you can put panda gems into, ((head and belt)+gloves bracers if you have bs) and the rest is cata gear. stack resi gems for arena and -im not shure about this cus of the 5.2 changes- agi for bg's. EDIT: forgot about wep -.- that blue archaeology gun.
  3. 85 hunter chardev BiS

    bis for pvp or pve dude?
  4. What Bracket to hit?

    clearly you havent played enough 85 to see how balanced it is, yes its big nukes but i guess your bracket have never seen oneshots since you wuld say something like that Oh wait is there even a bracket like that? sadly thats now how it works :/
  5. Why is the EU website so slow?

    dno how this instantly was made into a "wired utub link's thread" but here we go! Midget Face Slide - YouTube EDIT for ot: eu bnet have been acting up lately, fix shuld be inc.
  6. what class for fun pvp

    Chusinwan @ Stormscale - Community - World of Warcraft there's a m8's ww monk.
  7. Sun Lute @ Dunemaul

    bids going up ?
  8. what class for fun pvp

    ret pala's be insane in 85. monks are hugely underestimated @85 cus they dont have pvp gear. unholy dk looks really good atm, but if you ever feel like respec'n to blood you shuld just shit yourself where you sit. (that is for pvp)
  9. 5.2 Arena experiences

    they got +20 sec sd on shockwave and dr on warbringer stun (but as 85 you shuldnt be using that anyways) its not really big losses when looking at control on warr's, what hurt 85 warr's most was the def stance nearf imo.
  10. 5.2 Arena experiences

    rogue games arrent fun, spam out all cd's for a (what seems random) chance to have both living after the first 25 sec's and then having nothing to get the kill.. i still havent figured out how i win so often against rogue teams yet. EDIT: just remembered: my disc solo'd a druid while he had...
  11. The player who makes your battleground a nightmare - One who makes it great - lvl 85

    Re: The player who makes your battleground a nightmare - One who makes it great - lvl arrr F me for having a name memmory like a pile of smoked tobacco... name: cant remember, some warr. reason: under geared and still did well in the 3 games we had in a row (playing objective and all) and...
  12. Sun-Lute on Emeriss EU

    so, its gone now ?
  13. Prot Disc 2v2 vs Shadow Fire

    suggestions to your game: i dont really like watching warrs that use berserker rage just for the 10%, especially not against a priest team.. playing the game is more fun than sitting cc ^^ /tar macros, i see you clicin them frames a little too often, im not shure if you culd had gotten off more...
  14. What's the least popular class for 70's?

    a class so rare you forgot about it =P
  15. any way not to be a super squishy 80 enh?

    havve you seen this bracket?
  16. Gem Discussion

    think he is trying to get a discussion going on what kind'a stats to stack as any class.. or why you in perticular use the setup you do.. oh and he wanted to show us a movie of a jew doing math........ OT: im stacking resil atm, i dont know if it literally is better stacking something else atm...
  17. Caster PvP power vs int

    i know they changed pvp power to scale with non healing spec's for hybrids.. but does it allso scale with absorbs? PW:S and IB are huge spells and if power doesent affect them it gives a big chunk towards int..