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  1. Jadyne

    <Twink Inc> Funding 39 Twinks interested in rolling on WotLK Server.

    Video of a random WSG today courtesy of Pinworms. No editing done, so don't expect something super entertaining. You can expect a good example of the games we're getting daily right now. It'll be interesting to watch how it changes with time. 39 twinking on Molten - YouTube
  2. Jadyne

    4-Man PuG VS. 5 Man Holy Crit Premade

    Wow, seriously? That's pretty lame. It's one thing to run into a 10-man premade, but 3? I guess I really don't understand any more. =/
  3. Jadyne

    4-Man PuG VS. 5 Man Holy Crit Premade

    Well, it could be that. Or it could be us trying to get people to move towards improving the community. I'm getting pretty close to 10v10 all 39-twink matches in my little project on Molten, what with daily WSGs and 3v3s and 5v5s happening now. Point is, it's hardly living in the past if you're...
  4. Jadyne

    4-Man PuG VS. 5 Man Holy Crit Premade

    I'm suggesting that by posting here, you represent the website. Not only that, but if you care about the community, then you should act the way you want others to act, regardless of your position. That's all. No, but we worked to make it a little constructive for a little while. Got some...
  5. Jadyne

    4-Man PuG VS. 5 Man Holy Crit Premade

    "We're talking about words", amirite? Sorry guys, but it's silly to be trying to construct some notion that there was "evil intent" here. I'd be more interested in hearing examples of better responses, because at this point, Shaket, you're behaving...
  6. Jadyne

    4-Man PuG VS. 5 Man Holy Crit Premade

    Lame, guys. We actually had a good discussion going there. Whatgoesup wasn't trolling, that's pretty clear, he just wasn't constructive either. You want a better community, set and meet higher standards. Unless you like mindless flame-fests replete with ad hominem attacks?
  7. Jadyne

    4-Man PuG VS. 5 Man Holy Crit Premade

    This will come off as nit-picky, but it's actually important: don't say "a 10v10", say "10v10s" The goal should never ever be to hold a single 10v10. The end goal should always be to hold many 10v10s, over time. If you talk about the singular, people will get super worked up over it, and either...
  8. Jadyne

    4-Man PuG VS. 5 Man Holy Crit Premade

    Yeah, that happened to me at 39 when we first got <Cyclone> to join and play against us. I think the key is having a couple guilds that don't mind losing, and then also a guild or two that is resilient enough to take a loss. That's tough to build, though, and takes time and a lot of effort. And...
  9. Jadyne

    Pizza streaming WSG on dedicated queue nights (M/W/F)!

    Well, that's good at least. I didn't think there were that many queuing, since even when they didn't afk out, it seemed like they had to wait a rather long time for a queue pop. Maybe that's because it's a group queue for them. I'd still be concerned about the effect on the community of...