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    Question About BiS Hunter Wrist!

    if youre not hit capping, keep on leveling sir.
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    its not even worth it. roll or get rolled. theres no such thing as a decent game.
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    Pizza and Beau Sabotage

    never underestimate the value of comic relief!
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    Pizza and Beau Sabotage

    I lead my shadow. it follows me wherevs.
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    Pizza and Beau Sabotage

    aw man >.<
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    Pizza and Beau Sabotage

    wewt! all is not lost!
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    Pizza and Beau Sabotage

    someone told me there was going to be cookies :(
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    Pizza and Beau Sabotage

    oh shewt my bad
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    Pizza and Beau Sabotage

    gawd i wish beau and pizza would put their big girl panties on and speak for themselves instead of having veil act as designated mouthpiece
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    BG Bugs: A possible temporary fix.

    As far as i know, the BG queues have been bugged since 4.1 launched...
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    BG Bugs: A possible temporary fix.

    Okay so yesterday I was bugged in queue for about 40 mins. I realized after the first 15 that i was bugged, as I couldn't leave queue at all, even if i logged out. So i went afk and put in a ticket and came back a little later to have a GM answer me. The GM said they were aware of the...
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    ques unavalible?

    US 10characters
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    ques unavalible?

    it has not been fixed, I am currently bugged. (can't even leave queue) But it does seem that it will be fixed in tomorrow's maintenance.