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  1. Ret Pally 79 gear(help me)

    here is my character sheet v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner
  2. 79 interest

    just so everyone know the brackets stand now right now....WSG 71-79 AB 71-79 AV 71-80 EotS 71-79 and then i dont know about SoA or what ever...i dont think you can play it...
  3. 79 interest

    what the Savage Saronite Battlegear - Item Set - World of Warcraft is good for 79s.... t6 has nothing on it lol..and s3 gear cant keep up with it....
  4. 79 hunter

    do LWers have a set? i would start there or head to Armory Data Mining havent looked for hunter stuff but you can look...
  5. Ret Pally 79 gear(help me)

    lol your right editing now lol FIXED lol thx man
  6. Ret Pally 79 gear(help me)

    hello this will be my first 79 twink...i have many 80 friends so i will be able to get runs thro just about anything...i also have a level 80 dk that has blacksmith caped, so i can get all 8 peaces of this set... i also have been thinking of...
  7. 79 - Retribution Paladin (Building a Terminator)

    lol i have a dk that i was going to do end game carp but cant bring myself to spending my marks on anything that wont help me make money....whatever, now that my blacksmithing is caped my pally can finaly get to 70s and have good gear...
  8. 79 Twinking Guild

    hey all iam making a 79 human pally...was a 39 twink, iam on Ven co with the guild Hero...Ven Co is part of the Nightelf Battle group(US) ... i have a 80 death knight that can make the Resilliance gear we would need.... if u want to make a 79 twink on this server pst...i would love to see...