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  1. EU Blacklist/Buguser

    Why against us? Only 3 people use this bug on our side. Cast and Isa use the most of time this bug when Qubez is opposite. Vicious circle...
  2. 19 WSG's played list 1480 1029
  3. Spåm & Thai Real ID

    Hi everybody, i'm Snirfle allias Colerei : At french horde's, bg are more and more unusual so i seek people who wants to do bg with me. this is my ID: PS: and about emails for viagra, do...
  4. 19 Twink Shaman Guide

    There is a crit stuff who is very interresting with the depecage and the "buzzer blade" with the enchant "Surefooted on the boots" + the chest who give +5 crit and the minor channeling ring. Who give 23% of crit with some spell power (110) pliz write in english scol
  5. Farming Graveyard

    I would like where i present my twink. sorry for the message but i'm french and i don't arrive to read your topic
  6. Farming Graveyard

    To my mind don't farming it's the respect for the others people because the low lvl who begin a WSG then he died 40 times in a row it's not cool PS:it's possible that i don't understand the subject :p
  7. 19 Twink Shaman Guide

    hello for the guide go to wow-twink it's a site french but very complete but the moderator don't have the time for completing the guide. Put the "random enchantement" for the wrist (5 spell power) and you forgot an others wrist it's Brassards de projection mentale And you forgot to...
  8. Best 19 Arena Team

    For me the must is the warlock with sham because the sham has a dispel, the "horion de terre" the totem anti-fear and a versatility very effective and the warlock have a dps enormous and the dots who prevent against the bandage PS:sorry for my english i'm french and i would like to know...