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  1. Horde to Alliance (US)

    Welcome back! Frustrations lay on either side, it's just up to you to make the right decisions when choosing not only your faction, but your guild as well. It can be pretty lonely bouncing around without an active home. Good guilds on horde to take a look into Tink Nation, Static, The Chosen Few...
  2. Horde to Alliance (US)

    Noone is actually ever safe, WT would have to queue with 10 to steam roll any pug on any given day. Okay, maybe a bit of an exaggeration but it has been proven that heavy WT sides does not always win. Case in point in my time at BR, we queued 7 strong against a 7 strong WT horde team. Ally 3...
  3. Horde to Alliance (US)

    I'm not upset about the games, but the general consensus from many horde players is that they are. Players will continue to faction and this nonsense will start all over again. But at a much faster rate than the last migration of ally to horde and THEN there will be an issue. You're one of those...
  4. Horde to Alliance (US)

    Thats the point really, a few losses and a bunch of QQ. Its been said in other threads, losing for about 2 weeks and people want those who switched to switch back. And whats worse, from horde that I have spoken to, are really considering making the faction change over to ally in the coming days...
  5. Horde to Alliance (US)

    But what is really bothering me, is that it's not like alliance are steam rolling wins either. There have been tons of close games that could have gone either way. But like you, I have noticed an influx of "newer" 19s and f2ps on both sides which really doesn't help with the mindset many people...
  6. Horde to Alliance (US)

    Basically, I would like to know who are you hordes jumping ship and why? Was is it because: 1. Waw Tawent asked you so politely to leave to shorten their own queues but did not take into consideration the ones who are horde at heart and one shottable (lol) 2. You're tired of losing, it's...
  7. 10-19 19 PvP Player Tips [Not updated for WoD]

    A pocket healer or two if possible, ask Pizza. Only if you feel obligated to do so.
  8. 19 mage

    He's a frost mage. Keep the sorcerer's cloak, throw on 10 haste rating to gloves. Get a set of a sorcerer's waist. Mindthrust Bracer's would be your only possible up from your current bracers but not a game changer. Personally, I'd prefer Conspirator's Slippers or Merger boots over Spidersilk...