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  1. Top Flag Captures & Returns List

    Statistics - Community - World of Warcraft wsg caps: 159 wsg returns: 5,447
  2. Gurubashi Surf Club Premade Sunday ! 13/10 21.00 PM REALM TIME!

    <iframe width="640" height="360" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Our first ab wargame.
  3. is it me

    Doesn't look like a f2p pug to me.Looks like you was carried by your p2p hunters.Not to mention the probable 5 healers on that horde team. Evildream @ Sanguino - Community - World of Warcraft Lecterx @ Chamber of Aspects - Community - World of Warcraft
  4. Why i am no longer playing.

    Shame to leave so close to your goal.Good luck with whatever you do anyways,you was a good opponent and team mate and a loss alliance will dearly miss. Oro
  5. 24 list (EU)

    Orochímaru @ Defias Brotherhood - Game Guide - World of Warcraft Defias Brotherhood Rogue Horde