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  1. 39 rogue twink

    how were you able to get of the monkey on chardev? and any way you could change out the BoA's to actual gear?
  2. 39 rogue twink

    Rözar @ Jaedenar - Game - World of Warcraft i know im far from BiS... can anyone make me like a chardev or link me to someone else that has BiS.. but minus BoA's
  3. Pack your things! The PTR is up!

    So everyone already give up on the PTR thing? ^^.. logged onto that Brill server (EU) both ally and horde and not a single 19 in site xD
  4. =D

    thank ya thank ya
  5. =D

    Is 70 twinking exp off active?
  6. Question about Night Reaver...

    Do people still even use this weapon?
  7. Feet of the Lynx

    I bought some for 2s the other day xD... but ya about 400-700g on Medivh server that is
  8. Im backkkkkk

    oh great a little Prodigy bitch...
  9. Im backkkkkk

    Rôar 19 Rogue, Twinkpriest 19 priest, Sonicboôôom 19 Shaman, Arsenic 19 Mage, Hectic 19 priest, Aybaybay 19 hunter, Abrafo 19 Warrior, Monkeysauce 19 rogue, Emergency 19 Paladin
  10. Im backkkkkk

    haha well i feel loved =P ive been gone about a year >_> probably just dont know who i am xD
  11. Im backkkkkk

    Does anyone want to fund a 19 twink? :D