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  1. Activity in the US...

    Go away, wanksta
  2. Q on 29

    Rofl u're bad, go die
  3. The Life, The Legend...of the Greatest Twink Ever Made. (Mass Pics)

    I just think we should leave Crucifer talking with himself here in this thread. Would love /banretard system, Crucifer could be the first pretender!
  4. The Life, The Legend...of the Greatest Twink Ever Made. (Mass Pics)

    Crucifer, you are braindead if u don't understand how deep you failed xD Do you understand, that those ppl who didn't know you will now, when they would see your name, remember Crucifer as a retard, who didn't get enough attention and made a thread on Twinkinfo HOW LEGENDARY he is xDDD May be...
  5. few questions about EU 29

    US 29s thinks that they are so much better than eu, but roflNot ;p
  6. few questions about EU 29

    Shut up, nobody likes you
  7. My 29 Shammy (ench)ànce/simple
  8. BiS 29 rogue

    Mr. Donteventry! In my opinion, you took the wrong direction about the Term. There are no grandfathered BiS, or new-school BiS. Only: 1. Grandfathered 2. BiS 3. owl with big eyes (O.O) 1 and 2 are for sure the terms Best Regards
  9. BiS 29 rogue

    cry moar :""""""(
  10. Any action today? EU

    Wargames today mb?
  11. BiS 29 rogue

    What listing lol? You said about the term - they are BiS items, and grandfathered items roflmao, u sawk ;))
  12. BiS 29 rogue

    Roflcats nom
  13. BiS 29 rogue

    No, nawb. Grandfathered item, or BiS item
  14. EU 29 Active Realm

    You look too evil :o
  15. EU 29 Active Realm

    Hi everyone! I decided to make a paladin in this bracket! Want to ask where I need to transfer my twink! Got good gear already, but without boa, going to play as Retri, allience side. Im heard that people doing wargames on Dark moon fare realm, want to know if it true!!! Sry for my bad english...