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  1. 19 disc priest?

    Thanks noheals I will try it out.
  2. 19 disc priest?

    I havent really heard or seen much of 19 priests recently.. well I havent seen much of any horde twink BUT I am deciding what to make as my second twink for the merger and disc looks like it would be awesome but I cant find any positive or negative on it. Anybody here play one?
  3. Prot vs Ret

    I am pretty sure its spell damage because my physical attacks like crusader strike have a hard time hitting skull mobs but my judgment usually hits every time and my spell hit is higher than my physical hit.
  4. Prot vs Ret

    armories people!
  5. Prot vs Ret

    Do you have an armory for your ret paladin, I am thinking of going ret.
  6. Prot vs Ret

    I am new here and to twinking but have a fairly decent knowledge of it. Could anybody shoot me some pros and cons on prot paladin vs ret with all the new talents and skills I am not sure which i should go for, considering ret I LOVE seeing big numbers.