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  1. Reputation

    lol first you don't gonna get so mad, I was just making a quick reply according to my knowledge of the rep, and when furby said it can be done, it could mean 1 of 2 things, that you can get exalted, or you can get past neutral, the thread maker asked about reps you can get past neutral after...
  2. Uncle Zuty Wants YOU ...

  3. Reputation

    are you saying that Ogri'la is a faction that you can reach exalted with, because im almost 100% sure that you have to complete lvl 70 daily quests for about 3 weeks straight to get rep with them, it isn't really farmable i dont think, i may be thinking of a different rep but im pretty sure its...
  4. Question about Formal Dangui =D

    Go with 150hp and then the greater rune of warding ofc, unless you have 2 agms, then id do +6 all stats
  5. Looking for level 1 twink guild

    You cant really say for sure that one server has the best this and that because lvl one twinks hide on a lot of servers out there, and it can be pretty surprising when you x-fer a char and find a twink empire you never knew existed. I switched my main character to Frostmane-Us awhile back, made...
  6. New to Lvl1 Twinking. What Class?

    Rogue of course...