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  1. 19 Twink Private Server

    Coming from a background of creating a private server (not WoW but UO - Been on line for several years now!). It is difficult to "hand over" something that you have worked on for a while, it's almost like handing over your favourite pet to someone else. it is quite a difficult thing to do. Go...
  2. Twink Non-Ruin

    hmm, I've played a hunter and I'd like to think I know what I'm doing, but I'm wondering if there wouldn't be something better to play. Or if hunters do okay in the non-xp BGs?
  3. Twink Non-Ruin

    aye, I know that. but I was hoping to find a twink guild on Garona that I could get set up with and have teach me the ropes, before I get my a$$ handed to me my the professional Twinks ;)
  4. Twink Non-Ruin

    *sigh* I suppose I'm gonna have to setup my twink and then put in for a transfer :/
  5. Twink Non-Ruin

    So I played my wife's lowbie hunter and ran through WG about 50 times a few weeks back, and was thinking of making a professional 19 twink, but it seems that everyone migrated to Ruin battlegroup. :( is there anyone left anywhere else? I'd like to stay on the Alliance side of Garona but it...
  6. Woot! Fishing Hat

    Gratz man!