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  1. Thinking of 70 twink

    Im def rolling a druid but dont know if ill go Resto or feral Prob gunna FC Could someone give me a druid FC at 70 BiS chardev? i currently have a druid at 45 that i shall lvl and twink :D
  2. feral druid?

    looking to roll a 60 or 70 twink pref 60 and was wondering if feral druids are good at 60? and is there arena at 60? ANNDDD can someone show me a BiS? ANNNDDDDD!!!! Would i need to do raids? such as Molten Core?
  3. Horde AP

    why'd you ask for horde on AP if ur druid is alliance?
  4. Rolling a f2p sham

    Im rolling a resto sham (horde side) when my time runs out (sept 7th) i already created the char and got it to 10 on a trial i spent to last 30-40mins looking through gear on chardev and making a potential BiS sham but idk if it is BiS just taking what looked the best out of my options...
  5. The problem with [H] 24s

    THERE ISNT ONE. Every single f2p twink is alliance! and theres like 5 every wsg! Theres not enough horde twinks Due to the Eyepatch Thats what keeps the alli there... Alliance ======= 5 20 twinks 3 inexperianced noobs 2 24 twinks Horde ========= 1 24 twink 9...
  6. Lvl 10Hpally?

    Im thinking of twinking a lvl 10 Hpally is it worth it and does anyone have a chardev?
  7. Chelly

    ive seen a f2p hunter in WSG at 20-24 and shes really good AND SHE DOESNT BACK PEDAL i was wondering if she used TI... just if anyone knows...
  8. This bracket

    About all the hunter complains. I rolled a hunter and im not that good. BUUT i unbinded my S key :D theres actually alot of competition in 20-24 if you dont pay you dont have the right to QQ theres also not very many people rolling horde (prob due to the eyepatch) and we never camp...
  9. This bracket

    I agree with C O T U S alliance has a shitload of good players (mainly rogues and huntards) that the 24s dont make it a huge dif even as a 24 we still have a challenge with some of these guys like mendanx who is def better then my 24... (pwns me like 50x a game rofl)
  10. Gnomer runs?

    im getting pissed at running gnomer i ran it 15 times and the rare spawn wasnt there... so now im just using specific and waiting 20mins at a time to go through the full instance with a group... i really need to roll a DK on arthas and just gold farm so i can buy some runs lol
  11. <MUCKA MAD BOYS> is now recruiting 29s!

    Bump for the best and "nicest" 24 guild ever
  12. 24s on Arthas

    Bump for 24s