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  1. Hunters lol

    Only second? I'm flattered. :)
  2. Hunters lol

    Those you can't do, teach. Or in his case, talk. Let this impotent idiot continue to be useless in BGs.
  3. Hunters lol

    You act like as if forceful homosexual relations would bring shame to Fc, despite your instigating it. LOL.
  4. Hunters lol

    True, if you weren't in the games I was in (didn't see you this evening more than once). We did win a few, lost a couple more when our O was slow to get to the EFC. Straighten a few problems out and we'll be fine.
  5. Hunters lol

    Those stats are grossly exaggerated; if anything tonight's score was 9-3 (Alliance). Not good, but not the worst I've seen. My hat is not raging, kind sir, Hurricane Irene is.
  6. 29: OG's only thread

    Nope, because I play both factions if you get my drift. ;) MORE FOR ME, NOM NOM.
  7. Hunters lol

    Well, yes. Unless it was a WoW tattoo. Then everyone would be nerd-splooging.
  8. 29: OG's only thread

    I guess you must do an awful lot of clicking then. Or the Accutane isn't working out. ;)
  9. 29: OG's only thread

    A poor UI can make or break getting to third base with a chick.
  10. maraudon quests?

    Eh, I'm guessing he had to settle. Or dug cake-sweating chicks like Phauren.
  11. maraudon quests?

    Inner entrance, then like said above the quest will auto-pop near the beginning. Getting a higher level to run you through can help kill the super hot princess in under 15 min.
  12. Hunters lol

    Let it go, chubby chaser.
  13. 29: OG's only thread

    With "flawless execution" on both sides, eventually we can tie EVERY game! :D
  14. 29: OG's only thread

    Maybe you find pornography/females more arousing?
  15. 29: OG's only thread

    Yeah, that's what I was thinking. It's cute people have sacrificed such a large portion of their lifespan/dating rejections for the game, but saving 7 year old screenshots says more than they've intended, LOL. :D As does seeing the other faction won despite of hardcore pwning. I'm more...
  16. Hunters lol

    Ah, I've done that in raids, but sometimes it interferes with communication. It's okay, though, I'm personally not bothered by chatty cathys or idiots in vent. Mostly because I don't use vent. :D
  17. Hunters lol

    Yeah, I get that, but it hasn't had better results than any other route lately. Seems all we're doing is choking ourselves off. (I'll refrain from a gif to illustrate choking oneself off...)
  18. Hunters lol

    While I totally agree, being in vent will also require some to restrain themselves from destructive criticism or irrelevant chatting during battle. From what I've seen so far on this forum and Bliz's, I don't know if that's possible. I believe we can do better, too. I'm not a quitter.
  19. Hunters lol

    What, too soon? I know, 1963 feels like just yesterday! :D
  20. Hunters lol

    Good point. As "one of the worst healers in the 29 bracket" (to quote Fc from Tuesday), spamming flash heal for 1500 can't do shit in a 5 vs 1 situation. Especially with so much FF and CC'ing. If I happen to be alive and healing a group, I'm noticing almost every DPS has a different enemy...