Search results

  1. WOD 20-29 Hell yes

    Too bad they made my 29's corpsemaker lvl 30...And seems pretty retarded to get rid of hit so you can only hit 3 levels above you then make a bg 20-29 again. The 20-24 sounds a little better with the new hit system. And do you think they will keep level 20 ftp's in the same bracket or will...
  2. Official 3s tournament (Hosted by SCC) 4/25/14

    Post team layout rules and whatnot when you get a chance please :)
  3. Gearing your 24 - Master List

  4. SCC hostin 3v3 wargames friday 4/11/14

    haha what comp you running?
  5. Twinks Eat Twinkies

    Took time to comment on both threads saying basically the same thing, I think someone's a lil bitter <3