Search results

  1. Frost mage hiht %

    What is the hit percent for mage spells? Frost/Fire/Arcane respectively? Is it still 5%? Also for Night elves, would it still be 7%? Never played a caster in PvP. D:
  2. 19 GC Mage

    lolwut? 10c
  3. Priest?

    Alright, yeah for that the q fell out on my keyboard so I character mapped capital and not lower case. lol
  4. Priest?

    Lol, if priests do both DPS'ing and healing an eQual amount, then yes that is what I mean. :o
  5. Priest?

    Priest, viable DPS at 19??? What I a thinking is this, A priest that DPS's and heals an eQual amount, Basically a hit capped priest that heals when someone is low, and dps's otherwise. If so how would it be talented/glyphed/geared? I am thinking maxing spellpower for burst...
  6. Rerolling to ruin

    There is a guide by Conrose that is a hunter that uses a combinations of Mongoose bite and Raptor Strike along with the ranged attacks, my main was a hunter in TBC so I know hunters aren't supposed to normally melee attack, but this seems unorthodox, and interesting to me.
  7. Rerolling to ruin

    I want to make a 19 twink on ruin, I don't know what to make, or what server. I will roll alliance or horde side either or, if alliance, I think that a Nelf Skirmisher Hunter would be un (the melle/ranged one). Main thing I need is a server to play on and a few friends or a guild that will...
  8. BoA's?

    Dang. D: I really want to make that hunter Skirmisher I heard about. Lol.
  9. BoA's?

    I heard there was a new patch (haven't been able to go on since monday, lol) so I was wondering what the changes were, I heard something about mailing BoA's cross realms, is this true???
  10. GB tabs (money no problem) theorycraft...?.

    Tab 1: rum, healing pots, bandages 5/day Tab 2: potion, etc. (any other consumables) 2-3/day members Tab 3: Glyphs, Enchants (higher ranks only, all view) Tab 4: all BoE gear, viewable by all, GM only
  11. A few questions about my rogue.

    Chances are I'll be changing my spec, the enchants are a problem, the cloak may also be a problem, but I am working on it. Mainly because of my server. I am working on getting BoA Shoulders, Chest and a BWTB, considering a bow but probably not. My new spec would be: 2/2 Imp Sin. Strike...
  12. A few questions about my rogue.

    1) What's wrong gear wise? There are things that I know are wrong and I will explain those below, but anything I don't know about, please explain. -Need another Cruel Barb -Need Spidersilk Drape (For hit cap) -Need fishing hat -Need AGM/pvp neck/pvp trinket -Spec (take one out of sub and...