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  1. Level 19 Druid Guide

    i did, but partially. to an extent to get a sort of grasp on certain things and to confirm on some of my thoughts.
  2. Level 19 Druid Guide

    nice. im guessing you have a druid twink? and if you do can you give me an armory link to see what i should be going by?
  3. Oh my gawd! ><

    ok so with the new changes to druid travel form AND the new designs they are doing to the colors of the druids in cat and bear form ive fallen in love with my now lvling my druid all day and the one is at lvl 28 right now and the one im making a twink out of is lvl 8 and ill lvl him...
  4. Level 19 Druid Guide

    alright alright. so what lvl of these would i be able to get to? im guessing something around 225 or so?
  5. Level 19 Druid Guide

    ok so ive heard rumors of professions being useful like blacksmithing with the stam increase... what would be best for a 19 twink druid FC/healer since ill be stam/intel stacked? and why?
  6. Level 19 Druid Guide

    makes sense...kinda why i was thinking of stacking entirely stam/intel so you can shift many times and still have enough hp to live through a bit.
  7. Level 19 Druid Guide

    so is the 22 intel enchant best for that or is something else better like agi or something?
  8. Level 19 Druid Guide

    so im making a twink druid for flag carrying obviously with 3.2 coming with travel form at lvl 16 and obviously im gonna be stam stacked to last long. i have a few questions for it since this will be my first druid twink. what is the hit cap for lvl 19? what is best for BOA shoulder...