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  1. liek omg ptr patch notes, rip resto druid/holy priest hunter buffsss

    take away shaman heals and leave them with valuable/irreplaceable utility take away druid heals and leave them with practically nothing? i dont really expect blizzard to put any thought into balancing sub 85 brackets but if they gave shaman a 1.5 second heal they would be right back to...
  2. liek omg ptr patch notes, rip resto druid/holy priest hunter buffsss

    are you like physically incapable of simultaneously pressing 2 buttons at once or something? because thats all i can come up with when you say "trigger"
  3. Clazz elp

    based on ur post id say hunter it will fit you well
  4. liek omg ptr patch notes, rip resto druid/holy priest hunter buffsss

    please help like im not trying to be rude or anything but i really dont get what hes trying to say.
  5. liek omg ptr patch notes, rip resto druid/holy priest hunter buffsss

    do u? b/c you seem to think windshear is on the gcd
  6. liek omg ptr patch notes, rip resto druid/holy priest hunter buffsss

    ok except you fail to realize that purging a bop that makes people immune to physical damage for 10 seconds or p urging a renew that heals for 100 every 3 seconds or pws that absorbs 250 damage is sometimes more important than lightning bolting a fc. wsg is a group based battleground not solo
  7. liek omg ptr patch notes, rip resto druid/holy priest hunter buffsss

    because person dps matters right? oh wait it doesnt and i shouldnt even have to explain why.
  8. liek omg ptr patch notes, rip resto druid/holy priest hunter buffsss

    nourish heals for 164 with 110 sp at 19. just read the tooltip in ur spellbok x)
  9. liek omg ptr patch notes, rip resto druid/holy priest hunter buffsss

    1 thing, sweet shamans can too earthbind is a lot better overall so can shamans they dont heal for that much its only swiftmend that heals for a lot. earthshield is good too purge, earthbind and shock are above and beyond anything a resto druid can do. i think people...
  10. liek omg ptr patch notes, rip resto druid/holy priest hunter buffsss

    maybe because shamans have a lot more utility than druids at 19
  11. liek omg ptr patch notes, rip resto druid/holy priest hunter buffsss

    ^ theres 0 reason to take a druid over a priest or paladin now in a premade x)
  12. liek omg ptr patch notes, rip resto druid/holy priest hunter buffsss

    like 99% of the lvl 85 changes r fucking amazing.
  13. liek omg ptr patch notes, rip resto druid/holy priest hunter buffsss

    rip holy priest was a slight exaggeration x)
  14. liek omg ptr patch notes, rip resto druid/holy priest hunter buffsss

    PTR 4.0.6 Patch Notes - Forums - World of Warcraft i just cut out everything that didnt pertain to 19s Races The draenei racial trait Gift of the Naaru now heals 20% of the target's health over 15 seconds, rather than a scaling value. The dwarven racial trait Stoneform now...
  15. skinning bug fixed randomly :(

    ???? i posted like 10 screenshots in my other thread that was locked and its even in the official hotfix thread on wat more proof do u need