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  1. DubbsBegins

    Come at me Bro

    i get targeted time to time. probably because they saw my name somewhere.
  2. DubbsBegins

    F2p harlem shake

    ok so lets wait for the next DMF sunday
  3. DubbsBegins

    F2p harlem shake

    ok we'll do it afteer the sunday fishing
  4. DubbsBegins

    F2p harlem shake

    when should we do it? maybe after sunday fishing this week on AP?
  5. DubbsBegins

    F2p harlem shake

    F2P HARLEM SHAKE - YouTube we didnt have enough people but I can always do more I guess.
  6. DubbsBegins

    Vanilla players tell Mists of Pandaria players about "Back in the day"

    Back in the days, mages got one shotted by rogues but raped pallies with CS. Back in the days, Naxxramas was impossible lol literally but i was proud to own a cape from onyxia Back in the days, .....Zandalarian Hero Charm - Item - World of Warcraft + arcane power + presence of mind +pyro = rape...
  7. DubbsBegins

    cloth xmog?

    I went for red set and blue set red (lock) Mortaldubbs @ Aerie Peak - Community - World of Warcraft blue (mage) Fataldubbs @ Aerie Peak - Community - World of Warcraft although blue set is not complete yet. (I think theres a better option for shoulder and belt)
  8. DubbsBegins

    F2P Movies Thread

    thank you! :)
  9. DubbsBegins

    AP premade scheduled!!!

    i might be there and probably put up a video if i do :)
  10. DubbsBegins

    Guardian Druid?

    I finally tested the guardian spec. and i LOVE IT! I am officially a guardian druid
  11. DubbsBegins

    Guardian Druid?

    so whats better? new staff or the mace xD
  12. DubbsBegins

    F2P Movies Thread

    Happy New Year! 2012 Recap! - YouTube Happy New Year!
  13. DubbsBegins

    Guardian Druid?

    are there ANY new items available for F2Ps? I know about the new BoA staff but anything else? Any other new BoAs?
  14. DubbsBegins

    Guardian Druid?

    SORRY IF THIS THREAD ABOUT GUARDIAN WAS ALREADY MADE So i came back (last time ive played was in cata / mop beta) and my f2p main is druid. Ive found out that even feral was considered OP (as well as balance and resto which i knew) So i am considering Guardian spec but are there anyone who is...
  15. DubbsBegins

    AP horde

    was pretty empty last time i checked... about 10-15 people
  16. DubbsBegins

    F2P Rankings: Achievements, HKs, and more!

    wow!! i made 100 on the wsg ranking lol last in the list but not the least! :D
  17. DubbsBegins


    thats what i was thinking but if not, i always have guardian as an option. ... Does anyone officially play guardian?
  18. DubbsBegins

    Como hacer Keybinding Novation Launchpad Ableton Live Controller: Musical Instruments is what they're using :)
  19. DubbsBegins


    i heard balance and resto is really bad (as in OP) but feral too? I didnt try anything in MoP except in beta.