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  1. US US-Wts shadowfangs $40 a piece

    "stop liking what i dont like"
  2. US wts; various 19 twink items on kelthuzad alliance

    no, but im pretty sure he has some mental disease or defect. im sure he would try to sell everything im selling for at least 100$
  3. US wts; various 19 twink items on kelthuzad alliance

    shit i meant 10$ but w/e 10$ worth of gold from offgamers for; 2x assn blade woodworking gloves foremans gloves foremans legs 4x thorbias gauntlets 2x magefist gloves 4x firebane cloak darkweave breaches goblin screwdriver silver linked footguards also just in...
  4. US wts; various 19 twink items on kelthuzad alliance

    i sold the legs =( ill sell everything for 20$ worth of gold from offgamers
  5. US wts; various 19 twink items on kelthuzad alliance

    wts; various 19 twink items on kelthuzad alliance most of these items r fairly useless 2x assn blade goblin mail legs woodworking gloves foremans gloves foremans legs 4x thorbias gauntlets 2x magefist gloves 4x firebane cloak darkweave breaches goblin screwdriver silver...
  6. WTB Reins of the crimson deathcharger

    u can honestly find this for 50k without even trying
  7. US wtt alliance/kelthuzad gold for riot point cards

    just another pointless bump x-d
  8. US wtt alliance/kelthuzad gold for riot point cards

    yar Buy League of Legends | Riot Points | Collectors Pack
  9. US wtt alliance/kelthuzad gold for riot point cards

    got another crimson deathcharger o;
  10. US wtt alliance/kelthuzad gold for riot point cards

    added foreman's gloves to the list of fairly useless items ~_~ i also have 6 underworld bands just rotting in my gbank. ill give away 2 assn blades, goblin mail legs, 6 underworld bands, woodworking gloves, foremans gloves for a 10$ card
  11. US wtt alliance/kelthuzad gold for riot point cards

    =((((((((((((((((( i have no clue if you are actually interested or just stating that you cant buy them in europe but you can always buy from ; x)
  12. Sulfuron Hammer

    several things have been upgraded :|
  13. US wtt alliance/kelthuzad gold for riot point cards

    im assuming u mean 25$ card but 16k for 25$ card i have around 200k gold + the mount im willing to trade for them
  14. US wtt alliance/kelthuzad gold for riot point cards

    also have a crimson deathcharger mount(i value @ 80k) and some goblin mail leggings, woodworking gloves and 2 assn blades but i dunno what the fuck they go for that i can trade for the cards
  15. US wtt alliance/kelthuzad gold for riot point cards

    wtt alliance/kelthuzad gold(have items too) for riot point cards as topic says, wtt gold for 10/25$ riot point card #s pm or post here if interested