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  1. oh dear.

    yeah the +2 stamina from boa legs will destroy the bracket thats already dead
  2. The rebuilding of Dominate

    19s , where you are considered good if you are capable of snaring multiple targets.
  3. new 4.3 stuff

    omgggg how do i get boa legzzz
  4. The rebuilding of Dominate

    idk if you have had the chance to talk to them but they all canceled their accounts.
  5. Guild Punishment/Old gilneas players

    007/canz play 85s on kelthuzad alliance vadore and skillz did play on kt but they both quit =(
  6. Guild Punishment/Old gilneas players

    skillz is a bitch and quit 4 months ago
  7. gladiator question

    if u have friends its mad ****ing easy to mmr exploit to high rating at 70 since queues arent incredibly active.
  8. Prot Pally/Disc Priest vs. Frost Mage/Disc Priest

    maybe if they forgot to put up mage/ice armor and only pressed spell steal during the entire match.
  9. Expertise @ 70 Arms Warrior

    its more for vs healers but w/e + latency is pretty annoying. also if you ever played a rogue in vanilla or tbc you would know how shitty this game is when it comes to hitboxes. hello dodged backstab and mutilate
  10. Rare rares :)

    do people not farm for shadowmourne on eu anymore ? because on us servers you can find deathchargers for 40-60k mad easy
  11. Need your opinion about proffessions

    ^^ dont forget rocket boots. pretty much every guild(including paragon) used the **** out of boots for heroic lk.
  12. US wts; 2 goblin mail legs on bonechewer horde

    3k for everything? im so poor on this server =(
  13. F2P: Kicked without getting the debuff?

    they changed how afkers get kicked in bgs. theres no more idle debuff you just get kicked.
  14. Need your opinion about proffessions

    yeah **** engineering is such a ****ing awful raiding profession **** a passive 80 int/agi/str from synapse springs when you get wotlk bonuses from every other prof also **** 63396 it only does like 30k damage every minute in pve, thats GARBAGE.
  15. Need your opinion about proffessions

    the **** are you talking about lmao theres no random procs from engineering ?_? engineering was the best raiding profession in wotlk because of bombs and is still the best raiding profession for tbc raids because of bombs. so shut the **** up if you have absolutely no clue what you're...
  16. Need your opinion about proffessions

    inscription if you want dat intellect
  17. any twinks with glad?

    really ?. ... jesus
  18. BG question

    it still matters slightly b/c of queue times
  19. US wts; 2 goblin mail legs on bonechewer horde

    wts; 2 goblin mail legs on bonechewer horde selling for 3k each, wont xfer. or 5k for both. ill even throw in a thorbias gauntlet and bristlebark gloves if u buy both x))
  20. US wts; various 19 twink items on kelthuzad alliance

    add another foremans legs to the list x)