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  1. LF 19s to duel on beta!

    leveling now if anyone is on the eu realm realm :/ char name is jsx could someone bring me 2 lifestealing scrolls? ;o i want to try ud monk with double lifestealing sounds cool with the new racial
  2. LF 19s to duel on beta!

    :( its w/e dude ill have my monk on the eu servers soon
  3. LF 19s to duel on beta!

    weird, i just copied my us characters to the eu server. but ill level an undead monk on the eu server sometime today so its w/e
  4. LF 19s to duel on beta!

    you can, just checked x) and im alliance on gilneas but i want to make an ud monk for the new racial
  5. LF 19s to duel on beta!

    us but all regions are shared, i can copy over some boas and stuff to eu and level another monk up or you can copy a char over to gilneas(us pvp)
  6. LF 19s to duel on beta!

    do you have aim or skype or anything? if so pm me it.
  7. Shit just got real....

    u r talking about fists of fury right? if it didnt stun it would be useless its channeled, so you stand there for 4 seconds not being able to move or use anything else and its a melee range attack.
  8. LF 19s to duel on beta!

    me2 because i wana duel some people
  9. Shit just got real....

    yeah it stuns for 4 seconds
  10. Shit just got real....

    like this entire post makes no sense so was/is tbc and mop. so whats your point? what? PTR didnt have dks. ptr isnt the same as beta. why would people on ptr be saying what dks need or dont need at level 70, when they arent even available? what? what do you mean by "now? their abilities...
  11. LF 19s to duel on beta!

    id really like to test monk damage vs healers! leave char names jsxe - 19 monk
  12. Shit just got real....

    im not sure how tanky monks will be at 19. but i will say that my 19 monk does a shit ton of damage and i dont even have any gear other than boas heres the stats of my boa brew master in case everyone missed it, tank monks get 30% HP instead of 30%(or whatever druids gets) STAMINA. so...
  13. monk talents on

    monk dmg sucked at 90 so they got buffed. so they do a lot of fuckin damage at 19 now my dualwield monk is getting 1k crits on mobs = level and im only using boas. i would really like to duel another 19. gonna be nuts if they dont scale shit down for low levels x)
  14. monk talents on

    you can use roll up to 2/3 times(depends on talents) with a 1 second cd in between each roll but the actual cd on roll is 15 seconds(or something around there) and monks wont have their interrupt or stuns until higher levels :/ if anyone has beta ill make a 19 monk on there to duel people with
  15. Everyday chat thread, Posts with pictures.

    fuck yeah got a warglaive on rogue after 24 runs felt bad because my friend in the raid needed it for his set
  16. Everyday chat thread, Posts with pictures.

    managed to get 2 nifflevar axes in under 24 hours what 71 is best with them
  17. enginering RAWR!

    ~15 tries as gnome for tazik
  18. Everyday chat thread, Posts with pictures.

    soz 3 mh glaives in 8 runs and 4 bows in 8 runs on my warrior that i made for shits and giggles 0 bow in 10 runs on hunter(yeah i know thats now that many but w/e) and no glaive in 21 runs on rogue THE FUCK MAN
  19. Everyday chat thread, Posts with pictures.

    :< 20 runs on my rogue without a single one droping