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  1. Holypowah

    Old Naxxramas?

    Are you sure that's not Acherus?
  2. Holypowah

    Super Prot damage

    Huge damage on single targets > divided burst. When a warrior crits you, you are forced to heal. Hell, I beat Prot paladins on my warrior all the time without losing half health. Also when fighting druids as a Prot warrior, I can just run up to them via mount, SS them, charge, ss again and...
  3. Holypowah

    Super Prot damage

    If a warrior manages to make a pally use a CD, the pally is terribad.
  4. Holypowah

    Super Prot damage

    Exactly. Warriors have less to worry about because they don't have much abilities at this level therefore less skill used.
  5. Holypowah

    Super Prot damage

    I gtg. Will argue some more later. Have fun!
  6. Holypowah

    Super Prot damage

    I thought you were too lazy to try to troll me.
  7. Holypowah

    Super Prot damage

    By your logic Prot Paladins aren't OP because avenger shield hits for 300. Seriously man, being able to hit 1.5k without buffs is broken one way or the other.
  8. Holypowah

    Super Prot damage

    Charge isn't a lockout and it's harder to get off so teamates won't blame you. Warriors don't need to worry about CC or healing either. They just don't have much variety. Get over it. All warriors need is to be able to DPS and charge at the right time.
  9. Holypowah

    Super Prot damage

    Why would anyone expect to do anything with 700 hp?
  10. Holypowah

    Super Prot damage

    You argued that warriors require skill and I rebutted. Changing topics won't help brah. Yes I have a prot pally but I also have a Prot warrior and I'm not afraid to admit I'm OP.
  11. Holypowah

    Super Prot damage

    Unless the clothie has 700 hp, the Prot cant oneshot him.
  12. Holypowah

    Super Prot damage

    Crits happen often. When a warrior crits you, you instantly die unlike ambush or avenger shield.
  13. Holypowah

    Super Prot damage

    Have you tasted a SS crit this patch? Mobility? Heals? Who cares if you can just oneshot everything that walks or crawls.
  14. Holypowah

    Super Prot damage

    I win the argument then because I proved you wrong.
  15. Holypowah

    Super Prot damage

    That gives the warrior a chance to SS.
  16. Holypowah

    Fewer f2p priests

    Priests can be a boring class to play.
  17. Holypowah

    Super Prot damage

    Warriors don't use much skill. All you need to do is spam damage and charge when needed. Other classes have interrupts, abilities to heal and CC when warriors don't. I don't get your definition of "skill" The QQ is justified. It won't stop until the problem is solved.
  18. Holypowah

    Super Prot damage

    Holy damage ignores armor but doesn't ignore the flat out 25% defense from defensive stance. Also just because I sometimes play my Prot paladin doesn't mean I can't point fingers at other classes.
  19. Holypowah

    Super Prot damage

    SS got buffed by 25%.
  20. Holypowah

    Super Prot damage

    Woah bro, you seem mad. 1. Defensive stance negates ALL damage by 25% on a Prot Warrior including avenger shield. 2. Avenger shield and holy wrath are affected by the spell hit bug when melee isn't. 3. Avenger shield only silences the first target it hits and not all 3 targets. 4. SS >...