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  1. Kathil

    XP off separate queues

    I like higher brackets like 39s-59s. It completely made queue pops nonexistent for those brackets. Oh and ask and ye shall receive.
  2. Kathil

    XP off separate queues

    Anyone know if Blizzard is gonna completely screw twinking with separate queues for players with xp off again in wotlk classic? I remember in the original wotlk the option to turn xp off and the separate queue implementation were different patches.
  3. Kathil

    Nobles monocle head enchant

    Does the guild bank one work with any boe item? Like shoulder enchants?
  4. Kathil

    Disc priest

    So, I made a lot of changes. In most slots, it's damn hard to beat the boe physician blues (even with epic gems). The link in the first post is now what I'm going to run. It has 700 more hp, 700 more mana, 140 more healing, and 4 more resil than the link in the second post. Any Faerlina Horde...
  5. Kathil

    Disc priest I threw this together pretty quickly. Thoughts? Any obvious upgrades I'm missing?
  6. Kathil


    With same faction bgs, is this bracket rising from the dead?
  7. Kathil


    No? Okay then.
  8. Kathil


    It sure would be nice if the alliance would actually queue AB once in a while. I haven't seen an AB game at 49 in weeks.
  9. Kathil

    Best zone for boe drops?

    What zone/mob level range has the best chance of dropping 59 greens? Is it hellfire peninsula?
  10. Kathil

    Cruels intentions chain?

    Thanks, Ghank.
  11. Kathil

    Cruels intentions chain?

    Is it possible to finish this chain and get these sweet trinkets at 59? Assuming you started right at the beginning of 58 and not a boosted toon.
  12. Kathil

    TBC has CRZ from MOP, door for other things?

    What are CRZ from MOP, door? Not following.
  13. Kathil

    59s gearing info and requirements.

    3 words: goblin rocket launcher
  14. Kathil

    Looking forward to this

    Got my wsg bracers, ab boots, and ruby serpent trinket on my fire mage today. It was a productive day. He still needs st gloves and offhand, cyclopean band, and arbiters blade, but that can wait until my huntard on my second account is 70 and I can easily (though obviously not quickly) farm them...
  15. Kathil


    So, we have until Monday to get any rank we'd like to get. Just thought you'd like a heads up.
  16. Kathil

    39 TBC BiS Standards (Phase 1)

    Take the number it requires at 60 for 1%, divide it by 60, multiply by 39. There ya go. That's how much it requires at 39 for 1%.
  17. Kathil

    Deluxe expansion lvl 40 mount rumors

    Yep. That was in the wowhead link I posted with the comment "GOOD!" Thanks.
  18. Kathil

    What class will you use the lvl 58 boost on?

    $40 for just the boost
  19. Kathil

    Deluxe expansion lvl 40 mount rumors

    What? This would be exactly like r11 when people who bought deluxe would have 100% mounts where people who didn't had 60% mounts. I really hope this rumor is false. It would be fun to have a 100% speed mount at 49, but pay to win is never good. GOOD...
  20. Kathil

    What class will you use the lvl 58 boost on?

    I'm boosting a huntard on 2nd acct to farm twink bops. I'm also making a belf prot pally on 2nd acct and going to level him as much as I can in the 2 weeks they are giving us.