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  1. Bloodthirsty achi for ur 19!

    Isa's addon doesn't matter much but it would indeed be usefull. Although I assume people will want to loot , we kill 15 people in about 10sec ? 20sec left on the rezz timer. People looting them will get darkmoonfaire tokens to sell and gold I guess not much but still something :p
  2. Bloodthirsty achi for ur 19!

    hm so Spawns - kills 30 sec rezz after those 30sec we can kill them again but the timer already starts and we have 30 seconds to kill them ^^
  3. Bloodthirsty achi for ur 19!

    ofc i did mathz ;D 35sec /kill 15 kills / spawn 15*1.7 = 25.5 can't get half a killso 26 26*60 = 1560 1560killz / hour can easly farm 10 hours a day in a weekend ^^ (atleast I can ;D don't know about others , that's why we are looking for about 20 people in totaly , some reserves ;D )
  4. Bloodthirsty achi for ur 19!

    @ Vianco Indeed trial accounts can't stop XP. ----- We won't unlock our xp as indeed it's to risky for some^^ Still some spots left ^^ Probably will start somewhere next week to get some things done which takes 3-4 days in advance. Hoping to get atleast 15 people for it ;D
  5. Favorite Race/Class/Sex?

    Undead Male for rogue/mage/hunter/warrior/DK/priest. Orc female for shamans/warriors/hunters. Tauren male for dudu. Belf female for pala ;D
  6. Bloodthirsty achi for ur 19!

    surely hope so somewhere around 1000M killz or something would be cool ;D Btw about 5-ish spots left ^^
  7. Bloodthirsty achi for ur 19!

    8 Levels below should do the trick , just less honor but we do not aim for honor. Cuz I luv u ;D Kilda totally your opinion and that's fine I sometimes roll without one aswell ^^
  8. Bloodthirsty achi for ur 19!

    The 10G would be npz , the point is they cannot STOP XP while they are on " trial mode "
  9. Bloodthirsty achi for ur 19!

    >> Update << * Trial accounts will not be farmed * This does not work. Trial accounts cannot trade , therefor it's hard to get 10G to XP stop. Then again Issue nr 2 appears. Trial accounts cannot stop XP. ^^
  10. Bloodthirsty achi for ur 19!

    Nop ;D There is a Buff called Honorless Target which is provided after for example taking a portal or basicly after a loading screen. But if you read the thread correctly , This isn't about Honor ;D
  11. Bloodthirsty achi for ur 19!

    RAWR I'm up ofc ;D Silly Pumpadous ;D