Search results

  1. Mato's F2P boosting/Shop Service!

    Best service on twinkinfo , no doubt .. my characters done in 4 days with no problem at all.. Friendly service , i will definitley use this feature again.. Thanks alot Mato! :D // Människa the streamer!
  2. Formility's streaming channel

  3. Formility's streaming channel

    bump , streaming now
  4. WTS a Really good f2p account ! [ EU ]

    20 Hunter @ KILROGG *Fully loomed ( except ring ) *2x AGM *GF'd Tabard ( Scarlet Crusade ) *Burgy pirate hat *Maxed out fishing *Precious' Ribbon 20 Shaman @ KILROGG *Fully loomed (except ring) *LFH ( Lucky fishing hat ) *MM (...
  5. Trading awsome f2p acc for a knife in cs:go

    Thanks man :)
  6. Trading awsome f2p acc for a knife in cs:go

    Yeah you have one by default but you can buy skins to them for 50-300 euros , maybe more in some cases .
  7. Trading awsome f2p acc for a knife in cs:go

    I now want to trade away my beloved trial account , ive played on it for 2 years but im moving on now.. therefor i want a knife to the game cs go ,no scammers! Restoelf @ Kilrogg - Community - World of Warcraft Människa @ Kilrogg - Community - World of Warcraft...
  8. F2P PvP Music #2
  9. Testing my luck on sunday fishing!

  10. 3 twinks

    rate 1-10 mog/gear Människa @ Kilrogg - Community - World of Warcraft Restoelf @ Kilrogg - Community - World of Warcraft Formility @ Kilrogg - Community - World of Warcraft
  11. The question game!

    Soda Who got the most honorable kills in EU f2p ? ( 2nd after Maratian )
  12. LF Arena /world pvp serv

    ps : prefer EU
  13. LF Arena /world pvp serv

    Hello im looking for 2 specific realms 1 for doing world pvp and 1 for f2p arenas ! Please reply if u know any good servers for that
  14. omg never dropping

    Keep doing wc and they will drop .. they dropped twice for me yesterday :)
  15. omg never dropping

    Heey im currently farming a mog for my druid i need Lupine boots and Cermonial leggings.. Ive searched and found that rfc might be the best way to get em .. and now 134 runs later i havent got a single drop from neither of them.. am i extremly unlucky or are they rare items ? and suggest other...
  16. how much is it worth ? [UPDATE]

    20 Hunter @ KILROGG *Fully loomed ( except ring ) *2x AGM *GF'd Tabard ( Scarlet Crusade ) *Burgy pirate hat *Maxed out fishing 20 Shaman @ KILROGG *Fully loomed (except ring) *LFH ( Lucky fishing hat ) *MM ( Magican's Mantle ) *1x AGM *GF'd Wrist ( Crystalline cuffs ) *Burgy...
  17. Darkmoon fishing cap rare ?

    Darkmoon Fishing Cap - Item - World of Warcraft
  18. Darkmoon fishing cap rare ?

    I just got the cap randomly when i did the fishing quest in darkmoon , is it rare ? how many of u got it
  19. Questions & Answers

    Where is the best place to get shimmering hands/belt
  20. PVP music

    X-Ray Dog-Screaming Souls [HD] - YouTube